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Death Knight

Death Knight consists of 5 natural 4 star monsters.






Max Stats

SPD 100

HP 10380

ATK 549

DEF 571

Awakened Stats

SPD 101

HP 11700

ATK 604

DEF 593

Leader Skill
Increases the Defense of ally monsters by 25%.
Deadly Blow
Disturbs the target's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 50% chance with an attack that increases its damage according to your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 1.4*{ATK} + 0.2*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%

Deadly Wave
Inflicts damage proportionate to your HP to all enemies and weakens their Attack Power for 2 turns with a 75% chance on each target. In addition, recovers the HP of 2 allies with the lowest HP by 10% of your MAX HP. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 0.25*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%

Attacks the enemy to steal the enemy's HP that's equivalent to 30% of your MAX HP and disturbs the target's HP recovery for 2 turns. In addition, destroys the enemy's MAX HP by 50% of the damage. The cooldown time of [Extortion] will reset if an enemy dies from this attack. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Multiplier: 0.3*{MAX HP} (Fixed)
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Cooltime Turn -1



TYPE Support


Max Stats

SPD 100

HP 9060

ATK 604

DEF 604

Awakened Stats

SPD 101

HP 9885

ATK 659

DEF 659

Leader Skill
Increases the Defense of ally monsters by 25%.
Deadly Blow
Disturbs the target's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 50% chance with an attack that increases its damage according to your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 1.4*{ATK} + 0.2*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%

Check and Destroy
Attacks the enemy 2 times and weakens the Attack Power and the Defense for 2 turns with a 75% chance with each attack. This attack will deal more damage according to your MAX HP. (Reusable in 2 turns).
Multiplier: {ATK} + 0.14*{MAX HP} x2
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%

Removes harmful effects granted on all allies and grants Endure effect for 1 turn. In addition, grants Immunity and HP recovery effect for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns).
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Cooltime Turn -1





Max Stats

SPD 100

HP 11040

ATK 527

DEF 549

Awakened Stats

SPD 116

HP 12840

ATK 527

DEF 593

Leader Skill
Increases the Resistance of ally monsters by 30%.
Deadly Blow
Disturbs the target's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 50% chance with an attack that increases its damage according to your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 1.4*{ATK} + 0.2*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%

Deadly Wave
Inflicts damage proportionate to your HP to all enemies and weakens their Attack Power for 2 turns with a 75% chance on each target. In addition, recovers the HP of 2 allies with the lowest HP by 10% of your MAX HP. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 0.25*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%

Revives a dead ally and evens out the HP ratio of all allies. In addition, recovers the HP of all allies by 15% for 2 turns. (Reusable in 7 turns).
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Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1



TYPE Attack


Max Stats

SPD 100

HP 8895

ATK 692

DEF 527

Awakened Stats

SPD 101

HP 9720

ATK 769

DEF 560

Leader Skill
Increases the Attack Speed of ally monsters by 19%.
Deadly Blow
Disturbs the target's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 50% chance with an attack that increases its damage according to your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 1.4*{ATK} + 0.2*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%

Deadly Wave
Inflicts damage proportionate to your HP to all enemies and weakens their Attack Power for 2 turns with a 75% chance on each target. In addition, recovers the HP of 2 allies with the lowest HP by 10% of your MAX HP. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 0.25*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%

Changes the HP ratio and harmful effects with the enemy target (boss excluded) and the ally with the worst HP condition and increases the Attack Bar of all allies by 20%. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Multiplier: 180.0*{Attacker's Level}
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Attack Bar Recovery +5%
Attack Bar Recovery +5%
Attack Bar Recovery +5%
Cooltime Turn -1



TYPE Defense


Max Stats

SPD 100

HP 9060

ATK 593

DEF 615

Awakened Stats

SPD 101

HP 9885

ATK 637

DEF 681

Leader Skill
Increases the Resistance of ally monsters by 30%.
Deadly Blow
Disturbs the target's HP recovery for 2 turns with a 50% chance with an attack that increases its damage according to your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 1.4*{ATK} + 0.2*{MAX HP}
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%

Check and Destroy
Attacks the enemy 2 times and weakens the Attack Power and the Defense for 2 turns with a 75% chance with each attack. This attack will deal more damage according to your MAX HP. (Reusable in 2 turns).
Multiplier: {ATK} + 0.14*{MAX HP} x2
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Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%

Control (Passive)
Decreases the chances of receiving a Critical Hit by 50%, reduces the damage received from Light attribute by 50%, and reduces the damage that other allies receive by 15%. This effect doesn't accumulate with other damage reduction effect skills. [Automatic Effect]