Max Stats
SPD 98
HP 9225
ATK 834
DEF 527
Awakened Stats
SPD 114
HP 12345
ATK 878
DEF 439
Leader Skill
Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 44%
Arcane Blast
Attacks the enemy with a mysterious energy and stuns them for 1 turn with an 18% chance.
Multiplier: 4.2*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Flame Nova
Explodes compressed energy of fire to inflict damage to the enemy and removes 1 beneficial effect. The more HP the targeted enemy currently has, the larger the damage becomes. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: {ATK}*(4.0*{Target Current HP %} + 5.0)
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Eternity (Passive)
Recovers the HP of all allies by 10% every turn, and rises from the ashes at the moment of death with 100% HP. [Automatic Effect] (Reusable in 12 turns).
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 98
HP 8730
ATK 889
DEF 505
Awakened Stats
SPD 99
HP 9720
ATK 988
DEF 505
Leader Skill
Increase the HP of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 44%
Arcane Blast
Attacks the enemy with a mysterious energy and stuns them for 1 turn with an 18% chance.
Multiplier: 4.2*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Frozen Orb
Attacks with an extreme chill to inflict damage that's proportionate to the enemy's MAX HP and freezes the enemy for 1 turn. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 4.5*{ATK} + 0.08*{Target MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Ice Volcano
Attacks all enemies with an exploding ice volcano, inflicting damage based on their MAX HP and decreasing their Attack Power for 2 turns and freezes them for 1 turn. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Multiplier: 3.3*{ATK} + 0.15*{Target MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 98
HP 8400
ATK 1010
DEF 406
Awakened Stats
SPD 114
HP 9555
ATK 1098
DEF 406
Leader Skill
Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 33%
Arcane Blast
Attacks the enemy with a mysterious energy and stuns them for 1 turn with an 18% chance.
Multiplier: 4.2*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Lightning Nova
Explodes compressed energy of lightning to inflict damage to the enemy and removes 1 beneficial effect. The more HP the targeted enemy currently has, the larger the damage becomes. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: Multiplier Formula {ATK}*(4.0*{Target Current HP %} + 5.0)
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Attacks all enemies with a violent storm once more to stun for 1 turn after you attack the enemy on your turn. The cooldown time of [Tempest] will reset if an enemy dies from your attack. [Automatic Effect] (Reusable in 4 turns).
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 98
HP 8565
ATK 769
DEF 637
Awakened Stats
SPD 99
HP 9390
ATK 1054
DEF 461
Leader Skill
Increase the Defense of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 44%
Arcane Blast
Attacks the enemy with a mysterious energy and stuns them for 1 turn with an 18% chance.
Multiplier: 4.2*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Holy Orb
Attacks the enemy with a holy energy to inflict damage that's proportionate to the enemy's MAX HP and stuns the enemy for 1 turn. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 4.5*{ATK} + 0.08*{Target MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Purifying Blaze
Removes the beneficial effects of all enemies with holy fire, weakens the Defense for 2 turns and inflicts damage. Afterwards, increases the Attack Bar of all allies by 15%. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 98
HP 8235
ATK 922
DEF 505
Awakened Stats
SPD 99
HP 10215
ATK 1021
DEF 439
Leader Skill
Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 55%
Arcane Blast
Attacks the enemy with a mysterious energy and stuns them for 1 turn with an 18% chance.
Multiplier: 4.2*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Dark Nova
Explodes compressed energy of darkness to inflict damage to the enemy and removes 1 beneficial effect. The more HP the targeted enemy currently has, the larger the damage becomes. Gains a turn instantly if the enemy dies from this attack. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: {ATK}*(4.0*{Target Current HP %} + 5.0)
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Fiery Path (Passive)
Leaves a Branding Effect for 2 turns and weakens the Defense for 2 turns with a 50% chance each when you attack an enemy. When you attack on your turn, your attack does not activate the passive effects of all enemies (boss excluded) and the attack will always land as a Critical Hit if you attack the enemy with Defense lower than your Attack Power. [Automatic Effect]
Show Skill UpsEffect Rate +10%
Effect Rate +15%
Effect Rate +25%