TYPE Support
Awakened Stats
SPD 96
HP 10875
ATK 681
DEF 736
Leader Skill
Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters in the Arena by 33%
Vanilla Orchid Staff
Attacks the enemy target and recovers the HP of the ally with the lowest HP ratio by 10% of your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Recovery +5%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Love & Peace
Illuminates all allies with the Vanilla Orchid Staff, recovering their HP by 15% and creating a shield equal to 20% of your MAX HP for 2 turns. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: 0.2*{MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsRecovery +5%
Recovery +5%
Recovery +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Blessing of Nature (Passive)
Gains Immunity against inability effects. In addition, increases the HP recovery amount that allies receive by 15% and decreases the Attack Bar decreasing effects they receive from enemies by 50%. This effect does not accumulate and does not apply in battle against bosses. [Automatic Effect]
TYPE Support
Awakened Stats
SPD 111
HP 10710
ATK 736
DEF 692
Leader Skill
Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in the Arena by 44%
Vanilla Orchid Staff
Attacks the enemy target and recovers the HP of the ally with the lowest HP ratio by 10% of your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Recovery +5%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Sealed Magic
Attacks the enemy to grant Oblivion for 2 turns. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 5.6*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Determination of the Vanilla Kingdom
Grants Increase Attack Power, Increase Attack Speed, and Immunity on all allies for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1
TYPE Support
Awakened Stats
SPD 96
HP 11205
ATK 670
DEF 725
Leader Skill
Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in the Arena by 55%
Vanilla Orchid Staff
Attacks the enemy target and recovers the HP of the ally with the lowest HP ratio by 10% of your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Recovery +5%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Love & Peace
Illuminates all allies with the Vanilla Orchid Staff, recovering their HP by 15% and creating a shield equal to 20% of your MAX HP for 2 turns. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: 0.2*{MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsRecovery +5%
Recovery +5%
Recovery +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Graceful Determination (Passive)
When an ally with a shield is attacked, deals damage equal to 50% of the damage dealt to the shield to the attacker. In addition, removes 2 harmful effects from the ally with the lowest HP status and creates a shield equal to 15% of your MAX HP on the ally for 2 turns when your turn starts. [Automatic Effect]
Multiplier: 0.15*{MAX HP}
TYPE Support
Awakened Stats
SPD 96
HP 11040
ATK 659
DEF 747
Leader Skill
Increase the Defense of ally monsters in the Arena by 44%
Vanilla Orchid Staff
Attacks the enemy target and recovers the HP of the ally with the lowest HP ratio by 10% of your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Recovery +5%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Love & Peace
Illuminates all allies with the Vanilla Orchid Staff, recovering their HP by 15% and creating a shield equal to 20% of your MAX HP for 2 turns. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 0.2*{MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsRecovery +5%
Recovery +5%
Recovery +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Light of Truth
Grants Endure and Immunity on the ally target for 2 turns and resets the cooldown time. If the skill is used on a dead ally, the ally will be revived with little HP. The cooldown time will be increased by 2 turns additionally, but grants the same effect as when used on a living ally. However, [Light of Truth] is not affected by the cooldown increasing or decreasing skill. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1
TYPE Support
Awakened Stats
SPD 96
HP 10545
ATK 747
DEF 692
Leader Skill
Increase the HP of ally monsters in the Arena by 44%
Vanilla Orchid Staff
Attacks the enemy target and recovers the HP of the ally with the lowest HP ratio by 10% of your MAX HP.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Recovery +5%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Damage +10%
Recovery +10%
Sealed Magic
Attacks the enemy to grant Oblivion for 2 turns. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 5.6*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Time Frozen Kingdom
Removes all beneficial effects granted on all enemies, decreases their Attack Speed for 2 turns and absorbs their Attack Bar by 15% each. (Reusable in 5 turns).
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1