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Summoners War Rune Guide for Beginners

Welcome to the beginner’s rune guide for Summoners War: Sky Arena! We will be briefing you a detailed tutorial for runes! For rune recommendations for monsters, click here.

Rune Example


In short, runes are power up items that will make your unit stronger. There are currently 6 slots available in the game. When you equip a certain set of runes, you will get bonus stat effects. For example, if you equip 4 fatal runes, you will get the set bonus of attack +35%. Some set effects require 2 to get a bonus while others require 4. Below is a quick table to show you the effects and where to get them.

Rune Table

[easytable]Name, Pic, Set Effect, Set Pieces, Drop Location

Energy, , HP +15%, 2, Garen Forest/Giant’s Keep

Fatal, , Atk Power +35%, 4, Mt. Siz/Giant’s Keep

Blade, Rune Blade, Critical Rate +12%, 2, Kabir Ruins/Giant’s Keep

Swift, Rune Swift, Attack Speed +25%, 4 , Mt. White Ragon/Giant’s Keep

Focus, Rune Focus, Accuracy +20%, 2, Telain Forest/Giant’s Keep

Despair, Rune Despair, Stun Rate +25%, 4, Giant’s Keep Only

Guard, Rune Guard, Defense +15%, 2, Hydeni Ruins/Dragon’s Lair

Endure, Rune Endure, Resistance +20%, 2, Tamor Desert/Dragon’s Lair

Revenge, Revenge, Counterattack +15%, 2, Faimon Volcano/Dragon’s Lair

Rage, Rune Rage, Critical Damage +40%, 4, Necropolis Only

Violent, Rune Violent, Get Extra Turn +22%, 4, Dragon’s Lair Only

Will, Will, Harmful Effect Immunity +1 turn, 2, Aiden Forest/Necropolis

Nemesis, Nemesis, ATK Gauge +4% (for every 7% HP lost), 2, Ferun Castle/Necropolis

Shield, Shield, Ally Shield 2 turns (15% of HP), 2, Vrofagus Ruins/Dragon’s Lair

Vampire, Rune Vampire, Life Drain +35%, 4, Mt. Runar/Necropolis

Destroy, Destroy Rune, Enemy Max Hp-4%(30% Damage Dealt), 2, Chiruka Remains/Necropolis[/easytable]

Giants drop these runes only: Blade, Energy, Fatal, Despair, Swift

Dragons drop these runes only: Endure, Guard, Violent, Revenge, Shield, Focus

Lich King(Necropolis) drop these runes only: Rage, Will, Nemesis, Vampire, Destroy

Keep in mind that runes come in 5 rarities. Below are the details:

  • Common – White (0) => Contains just 1 stat (occasionally an innate stat)
  • Magic – Green (3) => Contains 2 stats
  • Rare – Blue (6) => Contains 3 stats
  • Hero – Purple (9) => Contains 4 stats
  • Legendary – Orange (12) => Contains 5 stats

When you power up your runes, it gains bonus stats at levels 3/6/9/12, up to a max of 15. At level 15, the main stat increases by 20%. Keep in mind that level 0 runes can be dropped as a Magic/Rare/Hero/Legendary. That means it will already have bonus stats at level 0. If you manage to get your hands on them, it will upgrade a random bonus stat or give you a new bonus stat if there is room for one.

[easytable] Rarity Drop, +0, +1, +3, +6, +9, +12

Common, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4

Magic, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 4

Rare, 2, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4

Hero, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4

Legendary, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4[/easytable]

The color of the common rune will change when you power up at intervals 3/6/9/12.

Rune Options Available to You

[easytable]Rune Slot, Options Available

1, ATK

2, ATK/ATK (%)/DEF/DEF (%)/HP/HP (%)/Spd

3, DEF

4, ATK/ATK (%)/DEF/DEF (%)/HP/HP (%)/Crit Rate (%)/Crit Dmg (%)

5, HP

6, ATK/ATK (%)/DEF/DEF (%)/HP/HP (%)/Resistance (%)/Accuracy (%)[/easytable]

To make it short and sweet, slots 2, 4 and 6 are available to be customized the most based on your monster needs. If you are looking for rune recommendations for each monster, check out the monster page. The options gained from the runes are quite random, so it all comes down to a bit of luck.

Rune Effects and What They Do

  1. ATK – Offers flat attack damage
  2. ATK(%) – Offers percentage damage
  3. DEF – Offers flat defense
  4. DEF(%) – Offers percentage defense
  5. Spd – Offers flat attack speed increase
  6. HP – Offers flat health points
  7. HP(%) – Offers percentage health point increase
  8. CRI Rate(%) – Offers percentage critical rate increase
  9. CRI Dmg(%) – Offers percentage critical rate damage increase
  10. Resistance(%) – Offers percentage resistance to harmful effects
  11. Accuracy(%) – Offers percentage accuracy to inflicting status effects

Here is a rune stat chart on the stats you get when powering up. The stats are sorted by the base, increase when powering up and then finally the maximum stat.

[easytable]Stat, 1★, 2★, 3★, 4★, 5★, 6★

ATK, 3 / 3 / 54, 5 / 4 / 74, 7 / 5 / 93, 10 / 6 / 113, 15 / 7 / 135, 22 / 8 / 160

ATK(%), 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 20, 4 / 2 / 37, 5 / 2 / 43, 8 / 2 / 51, 11 / 3 / 63

DEF, 3 / 3 / 54, 5 / 4 / 74,  7 / 5 / 93, 10 / 6 / 113, 15 / 7 / 136, 22 / 8 / 160

DEF(%), 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 20, 4 / 2 / 37, 5 / 2 / 43, 8 / 2 / 51, 11 / 3 / 63

HP, 40 / 45 / 804, 70 / 60 / 1092, 100 / 75 / 1380, 160 / 90 / 1704, 270 / 105 / 2088, 360 / 120 / 2448

HP(%), 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 20, 4 / 2 / 37, 5 / 2 / 43, 8 / 2 / 51, 11 / 3 / 63

Spd, 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 19, 3 / 1 / 20, 4 / 1 / 21, 5 / 2 / 39, 7 / 2 / 42

CRI Rate(%), 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 20, 3 / 2 / 38, 4 / 2 / 41, 6 / 2 / 51, 7 / 3 / 58

CRI Dmg(%), 2 / 1 / 20, 3 / 2 / 37, 4 / 2 / 43, 6 / 3 / 58, 8 / 3 / 65, 11 / 4 / 80

Resistance(%), 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 20, 4 / 2 / 38, 6 / 2 / 44, 9 / 2 / 51, 12 / 3 / 64

Accuracy(%), 1 / 1 / 18, 2 / 1 / 20, 4 / 2 / 38, 6 / 2 / 44, 9 / 2 / 51, 12 / 3 / 64[/easytable]

Innate Rune Stats

Runes can have an innate stat located right under the main stat. This stat is random unfortunately. This stat will never power up no matter what +X you have it at. Keep that in mind.

Rune Innate Stats

[easytable]Stat, Title, Bonus

ATK, Ferocious, 2-15

ATK(%), Powerful, 1-6%

DEF, Sturdy, 2-15

DEF(%), Durable, 1-6%

HP, Strong, 53-203

HP(%), Tenacious, 1-6%

Spd, Quick, 1-4

Cri Rate(%), Fatal, 1-6%

Cri Dmg(%), Cruel, 1-6%

Resistance(%), Resistant, 1-6%

Accuracy(%), Intricate, 1-8%[/easytable]

Rune Substats by jh33

Rune Substats

How to Obtain Runes

Runes can be acquired in many different ways. The most common method is by drops from adventure map. This is generally how it works:

  • Dungeon Stage 1 drops Slot 1 Runes
  • Dungeon Stage 2 drops Slot 2 Runes
  • Dungeon Stage 3 drops Slot 3 Runes
  • Dungeon Stage 4 drops Slot 4 Runes
  • Dungeon Stage 5 drops Slot 5 Runes
  • Dungeon Stage 6 drops Slot 6 Runes
  • Boss Stage drops any of the stage’s Runes
  1. Normal difficulty drops 1-2★ runes
  2. Hard difficulty drops 2-3★ runes
  3. Hell difficulty drops 3-5★ runes (Please take note that regular stages can drop 5★ runes, but it is quite rare.
Please take note that Hell difficulty bosses can drop 5★ runes, but it is quite rare. If you want Despair or Vampire runes, you will need to do Giant’s Keep and Dragon’s Lair respectively.

You can also get them from your magic shop. They sell runes according to your level. It refreshes every hour, so do check frequently to see what kind of runes are available. You can find really good runes and sometimes good monsters as well.

Rune Removal Penalty

It requires mana stones to remove a rune from your monster.

[easytable]Level, Mana Stone Required

1, 1000

2, 2500

3, 5000

4, 10000

5, 25000

6, 50000[/easytable]