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Summoners War Bounties

You can win daily bounties by participating in the active bounties room in Plexchat.

Current Bounties

  • $10 Daily Bounty: What is your favorite GB10 Comp? Answer for a chance to win. Winner will be announced at around 1pm PST
  • 3000 Crystal Month Long Bounty:  Create a Plex for your guild in Plexchat and link it in the bounty room. At the end of the month, one winner is chose based on Plex size and activity.
  • $25 Weekly Bounty Lore Challenge: Win all 3 guild war fights.  Take a screenshot for a chance to win this weeks bounty.

How to Play

Download Plexchat. Open the app and click the ‘pub’ tab in the bottom toolbar. Look for ‘Summoners War General’ and join. Enter the bounties room.