TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 102
HP 8400
ATK 670
DEF 582
Awakened Stats
SPD 103
HP 9390
ATK 747
DEF 604
Leader Skill
Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 33%.
Crescent Moon Slash
Attacks the enemy 2 times to inflict damage that increases as the enemy's HP decreases. Additionally, if there's Boomerang Warrior included in the ally team, one of Chakram Dancers will attack together with Boomerang Warrior during Boomerang Warrior's turn.
Multiplier: {ATK}*(3.0 - 1.5*{Target Current HP %}) x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +15%
Chakram Crush
Attacks all enemies with chakrams 2 times and stuns them for 1 turn with a 30% chance each. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 1.7*{ATK} x2
Show Skill UpsHarmful Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Precision (Passive)
The Accuracy will be increased by 25%. Weakens the enemy's Defense for 1 turn with every attack. If there's Boomerang Warrior included in the ally team, the Boomerang Warrior's Accuracy will also be increased by 25%. [Automatic Effect]
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 102
HP 8565
ATK 692
DEF 549
Awakened Stats
SPD 103
HP 9225
ATK 780
DEF 582
Leader Skill
Increases the Critical Rate of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 24%.
Crescent Moon Slash
Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy's HP is low. Additionally, if there's Boomerang Warrior included in the team, one of Chakram Dancers will attack together with Boomerang Warrior during Boomerang Warrior's turn.
Multiplier: {ATK}*(3.0 - 1.5*{Target Current HP %}) x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +15%
Spirit Focus
Removes all harmful effects granted on yourself and increases your Attack Power for 2 turns. You instantly gain another turn after using the skill. (Reusable in 5 turns)
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Deadly Dance
Attacks an enemy target 2 times and the damage dealt to the enemy with half or less HP increases by 50%. The damage that Boomerang Warrior inflicts on the target increases by 50% when they attack together. (Reusable in 5 turns)
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK} x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 102
HP 8565
ATK 681
DEF 560
Awakened Stats
SPD 103
HP 9060
ATK 769
DEF 604
Leader Skill
Increases HP of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 33%.
Crescent Moon Slash
Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy's HP is low. Additionally, if there's Boomerang Warrior included in the team, one of Chakram Dancers will attack together with Boomerang Warrior during Boomerang Warrior's turn.
Multiplier: {ATK}*(3.0 - 1.5*{Target Current HP %}) x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +15%
Double Strike
Attacks the enemy 2 times to decrease the Defense with the first attack and decreases the Attack Power afterwards with a 50% chance each. (Reusable in 3 turns)
Multiplier: 2.7*{ATK} x2
Show Skill UpsHarmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +15%
Cooltime Turn -1
Massacre Dance
Attacks the enemy 2 times to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects and increases the damage by 10% each according to the number of beneficial and harmful effects granted on the target. Boomerang Warrior's attacks will also ignore all of the target's beneficial effects when they attack together. (Reusable in 5 turns)
Multiplier: 3.7*{ATK} x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 102
HP 8730
ATK 648
DEF 582
Awakened Stats
SPD 103
HP 9555
ATK 725
DEF 615
Leader Skill
Increases the Attack Speed of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 24%.
Crescent Moon Slash
Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy's HP is low. Additionally, if there's Boomerang Warrior included in the team, one of Chakram Dancers will attack together with Boomerang Warrior during Boomerang Warrior's turn.
Multiplier: {ATK}*(3.0 - 1.5*{Target Current HP %}) x2
Show Skill UpsHarmful Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Chakram Crush
Attacks all enemies with chakrams 2 times and stuns them for 1 turn with a 30% chance each (Reusable in 4 turns) .
Multiplier: 1.7*{ATK} x2
Show Skill UpsHarmful Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +5%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Silver Chakram (Passive)
Inflicts Continuous Damage for 1 turn with a 50% chance and additional damage that's proportionate to the enemy's MAX HP with every attack. Boomerang Warrior's attacks will also inflict additional damage that's proportionate to the enemy's MAX HP when they attack together. [Automatic Effect]
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 102
HP 8400
ATK 703
DEF 549
Awakened Stats
SPD 103
HP 8895
ATK 790
DEF 593
Leader Skill
Increases the Accuracy of ally monsters in the Dungeons by 40%.
Crescent Moon Slash
Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy's HP is low. Additionally, if there's Boomerang Warrior included in the team, one of Chakram Dancers will attack together with Boomerang Warrior during Boomerang Warrior's turn.
Multiplier: {ATK}*(3.0 - 1.5*{Target Current HP %}) x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +15%
Spirit Focus
Removes all harmful effects granted on yourself and increases your attack power for 2 turns. You instantly gain another turn after using the skill. (Reusable in 5 turns) .
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Moonlight Blow
Attacks an enemy target 2 times to replace all of the target's beneficial effects with continuous damage effects. Additionally decreases the enemy's HP by 5% each according to the number of continuous damage effects granted on the target, afterwards. Boomerang Warrior will inflict continuous damage on the enemy for 1 turn when they attack together. (Reusable in 5 turns)
Multiplier: 4.0*{ATK} x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1