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Harpy consists of 5 natural 3 star monsters.




TYPE Attack


Max Stats

SPD 102

HP 6750

ATK 769

DEF 428

Awakened Stats

SPD 103

HP 6915

ATK 889

DEF 463

Leader Skill
Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters with Fire attribute by 30%.
Rat Hunt
Attacks the enemy with fierce kicks 2 times to decrease the enemy's Defense for 2 turns with a 45% chance.
Multiplier: 1.85*{ATK} x2
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Harmful effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful effect Rate +20%

Crow Hunt
Hurls razor-sharp feathers to attack multiple enemies at once. (Reusable in 3 turns)
Multiplier: 2.6*{ATK} x4
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooldown Turn -1

Wolf Hunt
Attacks randomly with sharp feathers 6 times. Each strike reduces the enemy's Attack Bar by 20% (Reusable in 5 turns)
Multiplier: 1.6*{ATK} x6
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooldown Turn -1



TYPE Attack


Max Stats

SPD 104

HP 7740

ATK 670

DEF 461

Awakened Stats

SPD 105

HP 8565

ATK 736

DEF 505

Rat Hunt
Attacks the enemy with fierce kicks 2 times to decrease the enemy's Defense for 2 turns with a 45% chance.
Multiplier: 1.85*{ATK} x2
  Show Skill Ups

Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +20%

Fox Hunt
Attacks the enemy with 2 consecutive kicks and stuns the enemy for 1 turn if you get a Critical Hit. (Reusable in 3 turns)
Multiplier: 2.7*{ATK} x2
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1

Bear Hunt
Attacks an enemy's weak point with great accuracy. This attack always lands a Critical Hit. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 7.0*{ATK}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1



TYPE Attack


Max Stats

SPD 104

HP 8400

ATK 637

DEF 450

Awakened Stats

SPD 105

HP 8235

ATK 736

DEF 527

Rat Hunt
Attacks the enemy with fierce kicks 2 times to decrease the enemy's Defense for 2 turns with a 45% chance.
Multiplier: 1.85*{ATK} x2
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Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +10%

Crow Hunt
Hurls razor-sharp feathers to attack the enemy target 2 times, decreasing its Defense for 2 turns. (Reusable in 3 turns).
Multiplier: 3.9*{ATK}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1

Boar Hunt
Attacks the enemy's weak point, decreasing the enemy's Defense for 2 turns and stunning the enemy for 1 turn. The Decrease Defense effect is guaranteed to be granted on the target immune to stun. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: 7.0*{ATK}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1



TYPE Attack


Max Stats

SPD 104

HP 7080

ATK 681

DEF 494

Awakened Stats

SPD 120

HP 7410

ATK 780

DEF 538

Rat Hunt
Attacks the enemy with fierce kicks 2 times to decrease the enemy's Defense for 2 turns with a 45% chance.
Multiplier: 1.85*{ATK} x2
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Harmful Effect rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect rate +20%

Crow Hunt
Hurls razor-sharp feathers to attack multiple enemies at once. (Reusable in 3 turns)
Multiplier: 2.6*{ATK} x4
  Show Skill Ups

Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1

Increases the Attack Bar of all allies by 30% and decreases the chance of being hit with a Critical Hit by 50% for 3 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns)
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Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1



TYPE Attack


Max Stats

SPD 103

HP 7245

ATK 703

DEF 461

Awakened Stats

SPD 104

HP 7575

ATK 801

DEF 505

Leader Skill
Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters with Dark attribute by 30%.
Rat Hunt
Attacks the enemy with fierce kicks 2 times to decrease the enemy's Defense for 2 turns with a 45% chance.
Multiplier: 1.85*{ATK} x2
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Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Harmful Effect Rate +20%

Fox Hunt
Attacks the enemy with 2 consecutive kicks and stuns the enemy for 1 turn if you get a Critical Hit. (Reusable in 3 turns)
Multiplier: 2.7*{ATK} x2
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1

Sign of Death
Attacks an enemy, dealing damage, decreasing the enemy's Defense and applying a Branding Effect for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns)
Multiplier: 8.2*{ATK}
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Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1