TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 8070
ATK 8070
DEF 505
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 8565
ATK 703
DEF 538
Spear Charge
Charge towards the enemy with a spear to inflict continuous damage for 1 turn. Increases your Attack power for 2 turn if you get a Critical Hit.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Spear Pierce
Pierces the enemy with a spear and inflicts damage proportional to their MAX HP. Inflicts continuous damage for two turns if you get a Critical Hit. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 4.8*{ATK} + 0.1*{Target MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Flame Thrower
Throws a ball in flames to attack all enemies 2 times and inflicts continuous damage for 2 turns with each attack. Inflicts continuous damage for 3 turns if you get a critical hit. (Reusable in 5 turns)
Multiplier: 1.9*{ATK} + 120 x2
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 8895
ATK 615
DEF 439
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 8235
ATK 714
DEF 549
Spear Charge
Charge towards the enemy with a spear to inflict continuous damage for 1 turn. Increases your Attack power for 2 turn if you get a Critical Hit.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Spear Pierce
Pierces the enemy with a spear and inflicts damage proportional to their MAX HP. Inflicts continuous damage for two turns if you get a Critical Hit. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 4.8*{ATK} + 0.1*{Target MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Wipe Out
Charges towards the enemy to attack 5 times, and either inflicts continuous damage for 1 turn with a 75% chance or ignores the enemy's Defense with a 25% chance with each attack. (Reusable in 4 turns).
Multiplier: 1.5*{ATK} x5
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Defense
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 8070
ATK 549
DEF 560
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 9060
ATK 593
DEF 615
Spear Charge
Charge towards the enemy with a spear to inflict continuous damage for 1 turn. Increases your Attack power for 2 turn if you get a Critical Hit.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Defensive Formation
Takes a defensive stance, recovering 25% HP and counterattacking for 2 turns. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 75%*
Show Skill UpsRecovery +10%
Recovery +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Storm Warrior (Passive)
Embraces the power of thunder, granting all attacks a 50% chance to stun the target. Stuns the target with a 100% chance if you get a critical hit. [Automatic Effect]
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 7905
ATK 549
DEF 571
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 8895
ATK 604
DEF 615
Spear Charge
Charge towards the enemy with a spear to inflict continuous damage for 1 turn. Increases your Attack power for 2 turn if you get a Critical Hit.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Defensive Formation
Takes a defensive stance, recovering 25% HP and counterattacking for 2 turns. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Show Skill UpsRecovery +10%
Recovery +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Shining Spear
Attacks the enemy and creates a shield that's proportionate to the damage dealt for 3 turns. Gets another turn immediately if you get a critical Hit. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 8.3*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 7245
ATK 681
DEF 483
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 8070
ATK 747
DEF 527
Spear Charge
Charge towards the enemy with a spear to inflict continuous damage for 1 turn. Increases your Attack power for 2 turn if you get a Critical Hit.
Multiplier: 3.8*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Spear Pierce
Pierces the enemy with a spear and inflicts damage proportional to their MAX HP. Inflicts continuous damage for two turns if you get a Critical Hit. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 4.8*{ATK} + 0.1*{Target MAX HP}
Show Skill UpsDamage +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1
Spear Shower
Attacks the enemy 5 times by throwing a javelin and inflicts continuous damage for 3 turns with a 50% chance for each attack. Inflicts continuous damage for 3 turns with a 100% chance if you get a critical hit. (Reusable in 4 turns)
Multiplier: 2.4*{ATK} x5
Show Skill UpsHarmful Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Cooltime Turn -1