TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 9720
ATK 703
DEF 626
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 10215
ATK 790
DEF 670
Leader Skill
Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%
Lightning Strike
Attacks the enemy and steals one beneficial effect with a 50% chance.
Multiplier: 3.7*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Effect Rate +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%
Effect Rate +15%
Gain Knowledge (Passive)
Gains Knowledge by the number of granted beneficial effects when you're granted with a beneficial effect. In addition, gains 1 Knowledge when you have 2 or less Knowledge at the start of your turn, and gains 3 Knowledge when an enemy or an ally gets defeated. You can have up to 5 Knowledge. [Automatic Effect]
Start of Apocalypse
Attacks the enemies in the order of low HP ratio to high HP ratio by the number of Knowledge you have, and the damage increases as you attack. If you have 5 Knowledge, destroys the enemy's MAX HP by 50% of the damage dealt. This skill can be used when you have at least 1 Knowledge, and all Knowledge will be consumed once you use the skill.
Multiplier: 4.0*{ATK} x5
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +10%
Damage +15%
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 10710
ATK 692
DEF 571
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 12180
ATK 725
DEF 604
Leader Skill
Increase the HP of ally monsters in Guild Content by 44%
Lightning Strike
Attacks the enemy and steals one beneficial effect with a 50% chance.
Multiplier: 3.7*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsLv.2 Damage +5%
Lv.3 Damage +5%
Lv.4 Effect Rate +10%
Lv.5 Effect Rate +10%
Lv.6 Damage +10%
Lv.7 Damage +10%
Lv.8 Effect Rate +15%
Lv.9 Effect Rate +15%
Learn Knowledge (Passive)
Gains Knowledge by the number of granted beneficial effects when you or an enemy is granted with a beneficial effect. In addition, gains 1 Knowledge if you have 2 or fewer Knowledge at the start of your turn. You can have up to 5 Knowledge. [Automatic Effect]
Forbidden Galdr
Decreases the current HP of the enemy target (bosses excluded) by 10% for every Knowledge you have. If you have 5 Knowledge, decreases the target's MAX HP by 50% instead. After that, heals all allies by the decreased HP. This skill can be used when you have at least 1 Knowledge, and all Knowledge will be consumed once you use the skill.
Multiplier: 10% (Fixed)
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 9390
ATK 659
DEF 692
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 10215
ATK 747
DEF 714
Leader Skill
Increase the Critical Rate of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%
Lightning Strike
Attacks the enemy and steals one beneficial effect with a 50% chance.
Multiplier: 3.7*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Effect Rate +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%
Effect Rate +15%
Gain Knowledge (Passive)
Gains Knowledge by the number of granted beneficial effects when you're granted with a beneficial effect. In addition, gains 1 Knowledge when you have 2 or less Knowledge at the start of your turn, and gains 3 Knowledge when an enemy or an ally gets defeated. You can have up to 5 Knowledge. [Automatic Effect]
Legacy of Knowledge (Passive)
Attacks the enemy while ignoring the enemy's Defense by 15% for every Knowledge you have whenever you attack. If you have 5 Knowledge, use all of your Knowledge to attack while ignoring the enemy's Defense and having attribute advantage. In addition, if you get defeated while having Knowledge, you will use all of your Knowledge to be revived with 20% HP per Knowledge used. [Automatic Effect] (Reusable in 11 turns).
Show Skill UpsCooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Cooltime Turn -1
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 10380
ATK 648
DEF 637
Awakened Stats
SPD 102
HP 11700
ATK 692
DEF 670
Leader Skill
Increase the Attack Speed of ally monsters in Guild Content by 33%
Lightning Strike
Attacks the enemy and steals one beneficial effect with a 50% chance.
Multiplier: 3.7*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Effect Rate +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%
Effect Rate +15%
Learn Knowledge (Passive)
Gains Knowledge by the number of granted beneficial effects when you or an enemy is granted with a beneficial effect. In addition, gains 1 Knowledge if you have 2 or fewer Knowledge at the start of your turn. You can have up to 5 Knowledge. [Automatic Effect]
Eye of Pioneer (Passive)
If an ally is attacked, uses one of your Knowledge to recover the attacked target's HP by 20% of the attacked target's MAX HP. If you have 5 Knowledge, recovers the attacked target's HP by 50% of the attacked target's MAX HP. [Automatic Effect]
Show Skill UpsRecovery +5%
Recovery +5%
Recovery +10%
TYPE Attack
Max Stats
SPD 101
HP 8895
ATK 747
DEF 637
Awakened Stats
SPD 101
HP 9555
ATK 845
DEF 659
Leader Skill
Increase the Resistance of ally monsters in Guild Content by 55%
Lightning Strike
Attacks the enemy and steals one beneficial effect with a 50% chance.
Multiplier: 3.7*{ATK}
Show Skill UpsDamage +5%
Damage +5%
Effect Rate +10%
Effect Rate +10%
Damage +10%
Damage +10%
Effect Rate +15%
Effect Rate +15%
Gain Knowledge (Passive)
Gains Knowledge by the number of granted beneficial effects when you're granted with a beneficial effect. In addition, gains 1 Knowledge when you have 2 or less Knowledge at the start of your turn, and gains 3 Knowledge when an enemy or an ally gets defeated. You can have up to 5 Knowledge. [Automatic Effect]
Endless Desire
Absorbs 25% (10% instead if it's a Boss) of your Attack Power and Defense per Knowledge from the enemy target's Attack Power and Defense. In addition, if you have 5 Knowledge, steals all beneficial effects granted on the enemy and instantly gains another turn. This skill can be used when you have at least 1 Knowledge, and all Knowledge will be consumed once you use the skill. (Accumulates up to 10 times)