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August 14th Update

August 14th Update

We are getting new Guild Content this month!

Link: https://summonerswar.com/en/skyarena/news/3655



▶ New Guild Content

– [Monster Subjugation]


: An icon used to enter the Monster Subjugation has been added next to the World Map – Isle of Conquest.

: Monster Subjugation is PvE content where your guild members fight together to defeat Monsters. Guild Master, Vice Guild Masters and Senior Guild Members can declare battle at the time of their choice once a week. There are two rounds, each round lasts 12 hours, adding up to 24 hours in total. You cannot declare battle from 11pm on Saturday to 12am on Sunday (server time).

: After the v7.0.0 update, you have to manually declare battle every week. We will be adding an auto start function soon through an update.


– [World Guild Battle]

: A World Guild Battle menu has been added to the World Map – Isle of Conquest.

: World Guild Battle is PvP content where guilds of all servers fight against one another to attack the opponent guild’s defense bases. The guild that destroyed the most HP wins. The battle proceeds on Wednesdays and Fridays for 45 hours.

: Right after the v7.0.0 update, the World Guild Battle’s guild grade will be determined by the grade your guild had at the end of the last Guild Battle. Legend guild will not be displayed separately, but will after a certain period of time.

: The first World Guild Battle will start on Aug. 17th 12am (global server time).

: Please refer to the following information regarding the newly added item, Legendary Summoning Stone, which can be obtained as World Guild Battle rewards.


: Legendary Summoning Stone is a special summoning stone that summons a default 4-5★ Monster listed in the exclusive summon list.

: You need 300 Legendary Summoning Stones to summon once, and the Blessing of Summon and Splendid Blessing of Summon will not be applied.


– [Guild Rival Battle]

: A Guild Rival Battle menu has been added to the World Map – Isle of Conquest.

: It’s battle content where your guild fights against Rival NPC guilds. The battle will begin every day at the time assigned by your Guild Master, Vice Guild Masters or Guild Senior Members, and each battle will last for 23 hours.


[More Info on the Guild Content Massive Update Dev Story]


▶ [Siege Battle] Trophy Box Reward Improved

– The drop rate of some lower-level reward items has been adjusted. With this, the drop rate of new reward items and higher-level reward items has been increased overall.

– Here are the new and changed reward items.

– Rune rewards obtainable from Trophy Boxes have been improved as follows.

[Shiny Trophy Box]

: Shiny Trophy Boxes of all grades will drop 6★ Hero – Legend Runes only.

[Trophy Box]

: Trophy Boxes of all grades will not drop 5★ Rare or lower grade Runes.

: Trophy Boxes of A- or above grades will only drop Legend grade Runes for 5★ Runes.

: Trophy Boxes of S or above grades will not drop 6★ Rare or lower grade Runes.


: The overall drop rate of higher-grade Rune items has been increased as much as the drop rate of lower-grade Runes that were excluded from the reward. The grade of Runes obtainable according to the Trophy Box grade is as follows.


※ The changes will be applied to the Siege Battle that begins on Aug. 15th.


▶ Guild Tower

A new building where you can check the various types of guild content at a glance has been added. You can install the Guild Tower Building via Guild Shop.


– A guild profile function where you can place Monsters of other guild members in the Guild Tower Building has been added.


: All guild members can freely select each of their Monsters they want to place. Guild Master, Vice Guild Masters and Senior Guild Members can assign the location to place each guild member’s Monsters.

* Each guild member’s rep Monster is selected as default with the v7.0.0 update. You can change the Monster via (Guild Tower > Guild Profile > Placement Settings).


▶ Guild Achievement Improved

– The achievements related to the existing Guild Battle have been removed, and new achievements related to the newly added guild content Guild Rival Battle and Monster Subjugation have been added.

* Guild battle content achievements completed before the v7.0.0 update will remain in the achievement list.


▶ Guild Related Changes

– The grade mark that represents a guild has been changed from Guild Battle grade to Siege Battle grade.

– [Guild Activity Info] The Guild Battle category has been removed, and World Guild Battle, Guild Rival Battle and Monster Subjugation categories have been added.

– [Guild Member Ranking] The Guild Battle category has been removed, and World Guild Battle, Guild Rival Battle and Monster Subjugation categories have been added.


– A new guild profile screen will be displayed when you tap the guild menu at the top of the Summoner profile. You can check the existing guild info menu through the [Guild Info] Button at the bottom of the guild profile screen.

– With the addition of the Guild Tower building, the icons on the left side of the island screen that direct you to the [Isle of Conquest] and [Tartarus’ Labyrinth] have been removed.


▶ An exclamation mark will now be displayed on the chat icon and guild chat tab when there’s a new guild announcement.


▶ [Arena Interserver Battle] An attack chance will not be deducted if the game ends abnormally during the battle loading screen.


▶ Some battle loading images (Scenario, etc.) have been changed.


▶ A banner where you can watch the livestream of SWC2022 in the Arena and World Arena lobby has been added.

– A banner will be exposed to the Arena/ World Arena lobby when the SWC2022 match goes live, and you will be directed to the YouTube channel to watch the livestream when you tap the banner.​


▶ The following gift will be given to all Summoners to celebrate the guild content massive update.

– Gift: 100 Summoning Stones + 500 Guild Points

– The gift can be collected during Aug. 11st 11:20pm – Aug. 15th 7:59am PDT.