Educate & Dominate : Dragons B10 Speed Team Evolution with PioneerSummoner!

Its our pleasure to introduce to you our next Educate & Dominate Guest – PioneerSummoner! Pio is a Guardian 2 player on the global server who is also a content creator for the summoners war twitch/youtube community. Today we bring Pio to provides an in-depth analysis on Dragons B10 Speed Teams and all the steps needed to transition from consistent/safe teams to speed teams. Our original footage was over 90 minutes long so I have condensed his information and provided some annotations throughout the video on FAQ regarding speed teams. I believe this is great up-to-date video on the advanced concepts for Speed DB10 Team Building. I’m sure alot of you know the in’s an out’s of DB10 but for those that do not – we hope you enjoy! “3:00” Intro to DB10 & Glory Building Requirements “6:44” Top Debuffs for DB10 “10:00” Top 4 Units for DB10 and Why they Work “18:45” Rune Requirements for Top 4 Units “21:00” Common mistakes players make when building a Galleon “27:30” Common mistakes players make when building a Verdehile “33:00” Common mistakes players make when building a Tarq “39:00” Stats Vs Sets – Why forcing a Set may decrease your success rate. “42:00” The truth about Verdeless Speed DB10 Teams “45:00” Pio’s +1 List for the 5th spot in your DB10 Team “46:00” F2P and Speed DB10 Teams – Yay or nay?]]>