First Look – Demons
th, 2019, version 5.0.8 was dropped. With it came… uhhh, a mixed bag of updates. There’s the decrease of materials needed to get your Homunculus, less floors in the B10s and all, but a serious Chakram Dancer nerf. Don’t worry, I’m just as upset about the death of Shaina as everyone else. But I digress. With this update came two new monsters, the Demon and Gargoyle! For this article, I’m gonna take a first-look at the Demons. Part 2 will be the Gargoyles. Disclaimer: As of this writing, I do not own any of the Demons, nor am I factoring in multipliers or skills when fully skilled up.
Bael (Fire Demon) [Attack]
Let’s go on ahead and start with Bael here. Now, we were told that the Demons would be using souls in the battlefield, and frankly I have no idea what that means yet. So… let’s just jump right in, I guess. Sword of Destruction – Decreases the current HP of the enemy with the best HP status (Boss excluded) by 10%, and attacks the enemy target to inflict damage proportionate to the reduced HP. Yeah, I’m not gonna lie, the mechanics of this is going over my head. I could just be dense or tired (not too sure which) but I think Sword of Destruction works like this: First, if he’s on a battlefield where the enemies have 100% HP, 80% HP, 30% HP and 50% HP, he’ll decrease the 100% HP monster’s HP status to 90%, and then attacks a selected target based on that 10%. If that’s the case, that’s really good; especially if he goes for tankier mons like Camilla. Devil’s Bargain – Absorbs all other allies’ HP by 10% to attack all enemies dealing damage that’s proportionate to the absorbed HP. Recovers the Attack Bar of all allies by 20% afterwards. I have no idea whether or not “10%” of the allies’ HP is their MAX HP or current HP. Despite that, this seems like a kinda risky skill – weakening your allies to deal massive damage on enemies. Although he does kind of make up for it by increasing attack bars, meaning your healer could be able to cut in and heal everyone. Flames of Hell – Always perform an attack that has an attribute advantage on all enemies. Inflicts the number of Continuous Damage that’s proportionate to the amount of damage dealt for 2 turns. Oh, he’s like an AoE Theomars when it comes to his third. Because he’ll automatically have an elemental advantage whenever he uses Flames of Hell, he’ll end up doing a ton of damage. I don’t really understand the part about the DoTs, though, and how they can be proportionate to the damage dealt (e.g. 30% of everyone’s HP lands 3 DoTs or what???)Belial (Water Demon) [Attack]
Let’s move on to Belial, whose passive is…weird. Sword of Destruction – Decreases the current HP of the enemy with the best HP status (Boss excluded) by 10%, and attacks the enemy target to inflict damage proportionate to the reduced HP. All the Demons share the same first skills with no elemental differences. Madness Judgment – Consumes half of your current HP to attack the enemy target. This attack will ignore a portion of the enemy’s Defense as your HP status worsens. I’m not sure if there were any mons that did this before Odin, but the wind Lightning Emperor was one of the first monsters in recent memory to partially ignore defense, and now Belial is another one of them. I’m not sure how much HP the Demons have to consume in order to completely ignore defense, but I’m sure it has to be a lot. This reminds me a lot of Daphnis’s third skill Hellfire, and how he has to hurt himself in order to deal massive damage. Repeated Nightmare (Passive) – Revives with little HP and fills up your Attack Bar by 100% if allies and enemies act for 12 turns when you are dead. [Automatic Effect] So, I’m not gonna lie, I legit thought I had a stroke the first few times I read this. I couldn’t understand it at all, and I had to ask my friend to help me translate. This passive is really poorly worded, but I think I got the gist of it. Basically:- Belial dies
- Allies and enemies keep hitting each other
- Each attack from an ally or enemy counts towards a counter
- Enemy Galleon takes a turn; 1 turn, ally Lagmaron gets a turn; 2 turns, etc.
- Once all enemies and allies have taken a total of 12 turns after Belial’s death, he revives