th, 2019, the Dimensional Hole was finally released after all these years! With it came brand new content, a whole new grade of runes, the Vampire Lord Eirgar (I’m technically lumping him in with the Dimensional Hole update because that’s around the time he got added into the Monster Index), and Secondary Awakenings!
I actually went datamining for the first time in order to get the new icons for the Secondary Awakenings, so I was working on adding them to the website, which is why this is so late. But for now, I figured that we could use this time in order to check out the new Secondary Awakenings, which is for certain 2-3 star families to make them stronger and more relevant to the game. So far, there are only four monster families with this – Pixies, Fairies, Warbears, and Inugamis.
In this article, I’ll be doing quick first-looks on the Fairies, and how they have improved. Don’t forget to tune in to get my article on the Pixies, Warbears and Inugamis, though. And with that, let’s begin the article!
Disclaimer: As of this writing. I do not own any of the Secondary Awakenings except Belladeon, nor am I really factoring in multipliers or skills when fully skilled up.
Iselia (Fire Fairy)
Throughout this article, I’m going to be referring to the Secondary Awakenings as 2A, so I’m not just writing “Secondary Awakenings” every time we have to mention it. Now let’s start with Iselia, the fire Fairy. During the 2A, two skills get improved in some way other than stat increase. I’m going to list the description of her skills before 2A, after 2A, and how I feel about these changes.
Double Arrow: Shoots two arrows to attack a target enemy and a random enemy. Guarantees to stun the enemy if both arrows hit the same target. (Reusable in 3 turns) →
Shoots two arrows to attack a target enemy and a random enemy and stuns them with a 50% chance each. Guarantees to stun the enemy if both arrows hit the same target. (Reusable in 2 turns). As you can see, both arrows now have a chance to stun, instead of them stunning only if they hit the same target. Think of it like Maruna’s third skill, Flame Drive: She can still stun everyone, but only the person a Chakram Dancer hits will bypass the resistance/accuracy check. This is actually a vast improvement to Iselia’s second skill, because it used to be you had to
hope she hit both enemies. I actually built an Iselia long, long ago in my wee nooblet days, and I remember being so frustrated when she could never connect a stun.
Arrow Attack: Shoots a flurry of arrows, attacking all enemies 4 – 6 times. Each attack has a 20% chance to reduce their Attack Speed for 2 turns. (Reusable in 6 turns) → Shoots a flurry of arrows, attacking all enemies 4 – 6 times. Each attack has a 20% chance to remove a beneficial effect and reduce their Attack Speed for 2 turns. (Reusable in 4 turns). I really like Iselia’s improvement to her third skill. Now I can see some people using her in RTA when they have no AoE strippers like Tiana. Granted, the percentage chance is really low, but remember she attacks all enemies either 4 or 6 times, meaning she has at least an 80% chance to remove beneficial effects.
Overall, I feel like Iselia really got improved! I can see her going up in the ranks as a top-tier low-budget AoE stripper in places like the Arena or RTA now, but I could be wrong. If nothing else, her stats got a massive improvement, which I think is always a plus. Personally, I’d go Swift + Focus/Will on her, with as much speed and accuracy as I can pump into her. Otherwise, if I wanted to build her for a fun toy, I’d swap Swift for Despair.
Elucia (Water Fairy)
Aqua Hurricane: Attacks the enemy 3 times with a whirling storm of water. Freezes the enemy for 1 turn with a 20% chance. → Attacks the enemy 3 times with a whirling storm of water. Freezes the enemy for 1 turn. So there’s Elucia’s first skill, Aqua Hurricane. I realize that most skills just get a bunch of stat boosts, but this is the difference in Elucia’s skills that I can find, besides Purify.
Purify: Removes all harmful effects on the target ally and recovers its HP. The recovery amount is proportionate to the Attack Power. (Reusable in 3 turns). → Removes all harmful effects on the target ally, increases the target’s Attack Bar by 25% and recovers its HP. The recovery amount is proportionate to the Attack Power. (Reusable in 2 turns). Elucia’s still based off an ATK heal for Purify, despite the fact that you need to build her HP% to survive, or ATK% to heal. Sleep Spell didn’t get changed, though, because two-turn sleep that’s irresistible unless it lands as a glancing hit is still really strong.
So Elucia didn’t really get changed much, even in her secondary awakening. I wouldn’t really build her 2A self, or even her regular self. No rune recommendations here.
Aeilene (Wind Fairy)
So Aeilene here got hit kinda hard by the 2As – though not in a bad way. Her third skill, Spirit’s Wrath, become a passive. There are, like, two mons that I know got changed into a passive in 2As.
Gust: Attacks the enemy 3 times with a whirling gust of wind. Stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 20% chance. → Attacks the enemy 3 times with a whirling gust of wind. Stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 60% chance. If the target is immune to stun, reduces the target’s Attack Bar to 0 with a 60% chance. Oh, this is good! Not only did her stun chance get raised to 60% (which is basically her skillups getting absorbed into her skill), but now if the enemy’s immune to stun, she’ll reduce their attack bar to 0. It’s like Brandia’s Touch of Mercy, who attacks an enemy, puts them to sleep, but if they’re immune to sleep, she’ll deal, like 50% more damage.
Spirit’s Wrath: Attacks the enemy with the spirit’s power. Damage is increased by 30% for each harmful effect on the enemy. (Reusable in 4 turns). → The inflicting damage is increased by 30% for each harmful effect on the enemy. [Automatic Effect] Oh, this is great! Every attack she does will deal more and more damage based on the harmful effects. Granted, she only has one skill that attacks people. She still has the second skill Purify, and it still heals based off attack.
Okay, is it just me or is 2A Aeilene seem like she can be actually halfway decent in GB10? I mean, she has the ability to reduce the giant’s attack bar to 0 and will deal damage based on how many harmful effects on the enemy. Plus, starter GB10 teams usually rely on DoTs, which means that Aeilene could dish out tons of damage. Not to mention, since you’re building Aeilene attack, her second skill Purify will heal quite a bit.
I’d build her Fatal/Blade for early game, or Rage/Blade if you’re late game. SPD/CRIT DMG%/ATK%
Neal (Light Fairy)
Purify: Removes all harmful effects on the target ally and recovers its HP. The recovery amount is proportionate to the Attack Power. (Reusable in 3 turns). → Removes all harmful effects on the target ally and recovers the ally’s HP by 20% of your MAX HP. (Reusable in 2 turns). This is great for Neal! People always build Neal as an HP monster, mainly for ToAH93 (The Leo/Ragdolls stage) in order to tank the Ragdoll hits. This means that her original healing is going to be horrible, but now it’s based off of her own HP!
Holy Shield: Removes the ally’s harmful effect and makes the ally invincible for 2 turns. (Reusable in 7 turns). → Removes the ally’s harmful effect, makes the ally invincible and grants immunity for 2 turns each. (Reusable in 4 turns). Oooh! Neal has always been pretty good in certain situations with Holy Shield, but now with Immunity she can soak up even more hits. Again, the place where she’s most used is the Leo/Ragdoll stage in ToA93 during a Lyrith rotation, because the Ragdolls will automatically target her. Sure, the DoTs they use on her are blocked by Invincibility, but Immunity will just make her automatically resist them too, not to mention that her base stats have massively increased with the 2A.
Overall, I really like what they did with Neal. They buffed her enough to still be good, but not changed to the point where she becomes a completely new mon. I’d still rune her Swift + Energy, but instead of SPD/ATK%/HP%, I can swap out the ATK% for HP%.
Sorin (Dark Fairy)
We come to the final of the Fairy 2As, with Sorin, the dark Fairy.
Double Arrow: Shoots two arrows to attack a target enemy and a random enemy. Guarantees to stun the enemy if both arrows hit the same target. (Reusable in 3 turns). → Shoots two arrows to attack a target enemy and a random enemy and removes a beneficial effect granted on them with an 80% chance each. Guarantees to stun the enemy if both arrows hit the same target. (Reusable in 2 turns). Even though Iselia and Sorin both got changes to Double Arrow, their changes are different and give them both different uses. In this case, Sorin got chances to remove beneficial effects. To be honest, I feel like if you swapped Iselia and Sorin’s Double Arrow, it would be a lot more fitting.
Spirit’s Curse: Inflicts damage on the enemy with a curse, increasing the enemy’s chance of dealing a Glancing Hit for 3 turns. (Reusable in 5 turns). → Inflicts damage on the enemy with a curse to increase the enemy’s chance of dealing a Glancing Hit and silence the enemy for 3 turns each. (Reusable in 4 turns). Here’s the main perk of Sorin. Again, before she got the 2A, she just dealt damage and added a Glancing Hit. It always felt super underwhelming, like there had to be more to it instead of just Glancing and damage. Now, though, there’s good damage, Glancing Hit, and Silence! I like her a lot.
I feel like Sorin got changed for the best here in the Fairy 2As. Aeilene got hit the hardest (again, not in a bad way), Iselia became the most interesting, and Sorin became really good. I’d build her as a damage dealer for the sweet damage on her third skill. Rune recommendation for her is Rage and Blade, SPD/CRIT DMG%/ATK%.
Anyway, that’s it for this article. The Fairies seem like interesting toys to play with with their 2As, and I’ll be talking about the Pixies, Inugamis and Warbears soon enough. I’m Sara Ann, and I’ll see you in the next article!]]>