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First Look – Martial Cats (Secondary Awakening)

First Look – Martial Cats (Secondary Awakening)

th, 2019, Version 5.2.0 of Summoner’s War was dropped! With it came a new dimension Lumel in the Dimensional Hole and two new families of Secondary Awakenings – the Werewolves and Martial Cats! Today, I’m going to be doing a first look on the 2As for the Martial Cats. Soon will come the 2A for the Werewolves, so stay tuned! Disclaimer: As of this writing, I do not own any of the Secondary Awakenings except Belladeon, Kro and Raoq, nor am I really factoring in multipliers or skills when fully skilled up.

Mei (Fire Martial Cat)

Today, we’re going to start off with Mei, the fire cat. Can I just take a moment to say that the 2A girls in general have some of the prettiest designs in the game, and that’s counting the Descent of Fairy Sky Dancer transmog? I think my favorites so far is 2A Naomi and 2A Kacey. But anyway, let’s go on with the review, shall we? Counterattack: Increases Critical Rate for 2 turns and counterattacks when attacked. The Attack Bar is increased by 50%, and the damage you receive will be reduced by half when you get attacked while this skill is on cooldown. (Reusable in 4 turns) → Increases the critical rate for 3 turns and counterattacks when attacked. The Attack Bar is increased by 50%, and the damage you receive will be reduced by half when you get attacked while this skill is on cooldown. (Reusable in 3 turns). So, I’m not going to lie, I had to look for a few minutes to see if Mei even had any 2A buffs. Don’t get me wrong, having an extra turn of crit rate and counterattack is cool, but it’s just…underwhelming, I guess. Destructive Punch: Inflicts damage with strengthened Energy Punch proportionate to your Max HP and destroy’s the target’s MAX HP by 30% of the damage dealt. (Reusable in 5 turns) → Inflicts damage proportionate to your MAX HP with strengthened Energy Punch and destroys the target’s MAX HP by 100% of the damage dealt. (Reusable in 4 turns). Okay, I’m sad now. I expected something cool, like Silence or Oblivion on top of the HP destroy. Don’t get me wrong, it’s really bonkers to do 10k damage on a 30k HP mon and destroy a third of their HP, but still.

Mina (Water Martial Cat)

Chain Attack: Launches 2 consecutive attacks on an enemy, inflicting damage and decreasing the enemy’s Attack Bar by 25% with each attack. (Reusable in 4 turns) Launches 2 consecutive attacks on an enemy, inflicting damage and absorbing the enemy’s Attack Bar by 25% with each attack. (Reusable in 3 turns). There wasn’t really much of a boost to Mina’s second skill, but now she can get her turn quicker and can focus on a single-target monster more. Head to Head (Passive): Increases the chances of attacking with a Critical Hit by 50% if the enemy has no Harmful effects on them. [Automatic Effect] →The critical rate will be at 100% if the enemy has no harmful effects. Attacks the target one more time with [Energy Punch] when you attack with a critical hit on your turn. [Automatic Effect] Yyyyeah, Mina wasn’t really improved much in her 2A. She still has the “no harmful effects” thing on her passive, which is useless because it means you can only activate it when the enemy is doing good. Even with the extra Energy Punch, it’s not worth it.

Naomi (Wind Martial Cat)

So, fun fact: I’m writing a thing called Daydreamer, and the main character is named Naomi. I got her name from the wind Martial Cat, and now SW!Naomi’s got the 2A she deserves and is now OP. Chain Attack: Launches 2 consecutive attacks on an enemy, inflicting damage and decreasing the enemy’s Attack Bar by 25% with each attack. (Reusable in 4 turns) → Launches 2 consecutive attacks on an enemy, leaving a Branding Effect for 2 turns with a 50% chance and decreasing the enemy’s Attack Bar by 25% with each attack. (Reusable in 3 turns). I actually really like Brand better than Defense Break. I know what you’re thinking, “Why do we have a weaker version of Defense Break in the game?” Well, it’s the same reason why Sleep is a weaker version of Stun. Granted, it’s a reason I don’t know, but there’s actually a good reason to have Defense Break and Brand. You can stack them on each other, so that an enemy can take 75% more damage. Tiger’s Appearance (Passive): Gain 25% Critical Chance and deals 20% more damage for every harmful effect that’s on the targeted enemy. [Automatic Effect] → The critical rate will be at 100% if the enemy has harmful effects. The inflicted damage will be increased by 20% for each harmful effect granted on the enemy. [Automatic Effect] Basically, Naomi now has the better version of Mina’s passive, because her full crit rate comes from having harmful effects on the enemy, instead of having no harmful effects on the enemy. She’ll also have her damage increased by 20% for each harmful effect on them. In other words, I can definitely see her being a really good GB10 damage dealer, especially for new game players, because you don’t have to worry about Crit Rate and can focus on making her nuke.

Xiao Ling (Light Martial Cat)

Energy Punch: Attacks with a spinning punch and stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 30% chance. → Attacks with a spinning punch and stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 50% chance. The damage of this attack increases according to your MAX HP. So Xiao Ling’s always been a bit of a weird case, honestly. I remember that her old passive was based off her max HP back when she was an attack mon, and then she got changed to an HP mon and Lonely Fight was changed, too. Lonely Fight (Passive): Absorbs the Attack Bar by 20% if you attack a monster with the same or lower HP status compared to yours. Recovers your HP by 20% of the damage dealt if you attack a monster that has better HP status than yours. [Automatic Effect] → Absorbs the Attack Bar by 50% if you attack a monster with same or lower HP status compared to yours. Recovers your HP by 50% of the damage dealt if you attack a monster that has better HP status than yours. [Automatic Effect] Yeah, Xiao Ling wasn’t really changed much. You’d think that this was just her skillups absorbed into her, but I checked her monster info and she doesn’t have any skillups to go into Lonely Fight. I’m not sure if anyone will think of her as the meta or not, but hey, Elucia didn’t really get changed that much and now she’s top-tier.

Miho (Dark Martial Cat)

Energy Punch: Attacks with a spinning punch and stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 30% chance. → Attacks with a spinning punch and stuns the enemy for 1 turn with a 50% chance and recovers HP by 20% of inflicted damage. Alright, so there’s not really much to Energy Punch. On top of absorbing her skillups into the main skill, she now has a built-in Vampire runeset on her first skill, meaning that on the brink of death, she can get hit by a critical hit, counterattack, and heal herself just enough that she’ll be able to survive another hit or two. Eye for an Eye (Passive): Attacks the attacker with a critical hit to inflict damage that’s proportionate to your Attack Power and Stuns the target for 1 turn with a 40% chance when attacked with a critical hit. Additionally, your Attack Bar increases by 30%. [Automatic Effect] → Increases your Attack Bar by 30% and counterattacks the attacker with a critical hit when you are attacked with a critical hit. You won’t get defeated with critical hit attacks. [Automatic Effect] ok so, news flash, miho got even OP than she already was, and now all the martial cats are wanted mons instead of being t r a s h Do I even need to explain why Miho’s OP? In case I do, let’s break it down real quick: Before her 2A, Miho was considered a really annoying monster in ToA, because when you get to the higher floors, her attacks are really painful, and she counterattacks with every critical hit. But now, she can’t be defeated with a critical hit, AND will heal herself whenever she counterattacks! At least we can be glad that she doesn’t get 2A’d in ToA… I’m gonna go out on a whim here and say that Naomi and Miho are gonna be the two most built Martial Cats after their 2A. I know I’ll be building both myself, that’s for sure! Anyway, this has been my first looks on the 2A Martial Cats. Up next will be the Werewolves. But anyway, I’m Sara Ann, and I’ll see you in the next article!]]>