th, 2019, Update 4.2.0 was released! On top of getting stuff like the ability to test out your own arena defense, we also got two new monsters – the Sniper Mk. Is and the Cannon Girls! Today, we’re going to be looking at the first of the two new families: the Snipers!
This is going to be a two-part article; the next one will cover the Cannon Girls.
Carcano (Fire) [Attack]
Let’s start with our first Sniper boi, Carcano! He lowkey reminds me of Randy, actually. If Randy suddenly got metal limbs, I mean. And was a robot. And decided to use a gun instead of a crossbow.
Accurate Fire: Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects. Oh, oh this is nice. Now all those pesky Rinas and Katarina will melt away like butter with only a single attack from a Sniper. One of the most annoying things about Chloe/Katarina teams is the fact that sometimes, you’re not faster than the Chloe, but Katarina is much slower than you. Basically, you’re just waiting for your doom as Chloe casts Fanatic. Well, not anymore!
Hi, Billy Mays here ahem.
Hidden Aim: Strikes the [Hidden Aim] pose. Increases the changes of receiving a glancing hit by 50% and the damage dealing to an enemy by 200% if you are attack while in this pose. The [Hidden Aim] pose disables after you attack. (Reusable in 6 turns) …I’m sorry, but every time I see “Hidden Aim pose” I just imagine the Sniper T-posing at his enemies. I can’t even, you guys, I can’t even.
…Anyway, on paper this sounds
really good. I mean, an increase of power by 200%? Sign me up!
Dead Eye (Passive): Decreases a random target’s Defense for 1 turn at the start of each turn. [Automatic Effect] Oh, this is sort of like Loren’s passive, except that you can’t control which defense break will be landed. Overall, Carcano looks pretty good as a single-target fire nuker (Despite the fact we already have tons of
those in the game. They’re almost as common as AoE wind nukers.)
Covenant (Water) [Attack]
Alright, we’re moving on to what looks to be the best of the new snipers!
Accurate Fire: Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects. Same first skill.
Suppressive Fire: Attacks the enemy to remove all beneficial effects granted on the target with a 70% chance. The damage increases according the number of beneficial effects removed. (Reusable in 4 turns) This is the other second skill of the Snipers. For some reason, this reminds me of Melissa’s third skill. I dunno why, but it does. Nevertheless, this is a very good second skill!
Head Shot: Aims the enemy’s head and inflicts damage that ignores the target’s Defense. (Reusable in 5 turns) Covenant is probably going to be the new Rina killer. I mean, come on. He’s got a first skill that ignores damage reduction buffs/effects, remove beneficial effects, and he has a third skill that ignores the enemy defense! What’s not to love?
Carbine (Wind) [Attack]
Accurate Fire: Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects. Same first skill. Again.
Hidden Aim: Strikes the [Hidden Aim] pose. Increases the changes of receiving a glancing hit by 50% and the damage dealing to an enemy by 200% if you are attack while in this pose. The [Hidden Aim] pose disables after you attack. (Reusable in 6 turns)[T-POSING INTENSIFIES]
Veteran (Passive): Increases the Attack Bar by 30% each when the enemy’s attack lands as a glancing hit. [Automatic Effect] …ehhhhh… To be honest, this isn’t really a good passive skill. I mean, someone already tested out Carbine, and we already figured out he’s going to be just a storage mon. But hey, we could be wrong.
Magnum (Light) [Attack]
Accurate Fire: Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects. Only one last first skill left until it’s time!
Suppressive Fire: Attacks the enemy to remove all beneficial effects granted on the target with a 70% chance. The damage increases according the number of beneficial effects removed. (Reusable in 4 turns) Here’s the second skill of Magnum! I dunno which second skill is better, but I’d probably say Suppressive Fire.
Snipe Preparation (Passive): Increases the Attack Bar by 25% whenever an enemy gains a beneficial effect from a skill. [Automatic Effect] Oh, this is like one of the Knowledge passives in the Lightning Emperors, except instead of Knowledge, it’s attack bar increase. This is great for when you want to completely screw up the turn order of Lushen teams, like with a Tian Lang! (TIAN LANG DIDN’T DESERVE THE NEEEEERF)
Dragunov (Dark) [Attack]
Accurate Fire: Attacks the enemy to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects. Yes, it’s the last first skill I need to cover for this article!
Hidden Aim: Strikes the [Hidden Aim] pose. Increases the changes of receiving a glancing hit by 50% and the damage dealing to an enemy by 200% if you are attack while in this pose. The [Hidden Aim] pose disables after you attack. (Reusable in 6 turns) (insert more t-pose jokes here)
Reloading (Passive): Maintains the [Hidden Aim] pose when you defeat an enemy while in the pose. [Automatic Effect] Okay, I’m sorry for being so childish, but I seriously can’t get the mental image of Dragunov T-posing at his enemy and then killing him with his rifle before going on to T-pose at more enemies. But man, I have no idea where you would be able to use Dragunov. He’s probably going to end up as a Hall of Heroes mon…
Anyway, this has been the first look on the Sniper Mk Is! I’m Sara Ann, and I’ll see you in the next article!]]>