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Forum Opening Itunes/Google Play Gift Card Giveaway

Forum Opening Itunes/Google Play Gift Card Giveaway

After some consideration, I have decided to open up a forum so people can ask their questions there. I am also celebrating my Youtube channel hitting 1,000 subscribers. As part of the celebration, I am giving away 3 $5 gift cards(either iTunes or Google play) to 3 players that post in the forums. In order to have a chance of getting the $5 gift card of your choice, you will need to do the following: 1) Register a forum account here. (registration is on the right hand side) – You can access the forum here. It is also located on the tab at the top of the site. 2) Create at least one thread asking a question or writing a mini guide that will help players in the game. The question must be open ended such as “Do you think the fire viking is a good monster?” 3) At least 3 posts. Any posts less than 30 characters will not count. 4) You must be polite and not flame other players for asking questions that you think are “obvious” or “dumb”. This will go on until April 18th 2015. The 3 winners will be contact via the email you registered with when signing up for the forum to get the details on how to retrieve your $5 gift card. Keep in mind each player can only win 1 gift card max. Feel free to ask any questions in the comments section.]]>