, [/easytable]
Natural: ★★★★
Type: HP
How to get: Mystical scrolls, legendary scrolls, wind scrolls
Awakening Materials: Wind High Essence x10, Wind Mid Essence x20, High Essence x5, Mid Essence x15
Awakened Stats
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★
Hp, 7995, 10875
Atk, 492, 670
Def, 428, 582
Spd, 90, 90[/easytable]
Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill: Increases the Critical Rate of ally monsters by 19%
Leader Skill: Increases the Critical Rate of ally monsters by 19%.
Skill 1: Blade Surge: Attacks a single target for 2 times and then attacks all enemies on the 3rd attack.
- Lv.2 Damage +5%
- Lv.3 Damage +5%
- Lv.4 Damage +5%
- Lv.5 Damage +15%
Skill 2: Magic Surge: Attacks the target with a magic bullet and prevents the target from using skills with cool downs for 2 turns with a 75% chance. (Reusable in 3 turns)
- Lv.2 Damage +10%
- Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage +10%
- Lv.5 Damage +10%
- Lv.6 Harmful Effect Rate + 15%
Skill 3: Tempest Sword: Attacks a single target for 2 times and then attacks all enemies on the 3rd attack. Each attack decreases the target’s Attack Bar by 20% (Reusable in 4 turns)
- Lv.2 Damage +10%
- Lv.3 Damage +10%
- Lv.4 Damage +10%
- Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Lupinus is a utility monster that offers attack bar reduction and also single target skill usage prevention. You can use her either as an AoE stunner with despair runes or damage dealer.
[easytable] Cooltime skill usage prevention, 2 AoE skills, 2 Multi-hit skills hitting 3 times, 20% AoE attack bar reduction[/easytable]
Rune Builds
I recommend going
Despair/Revenge(Spd/Hp% or Atk%/Hp% or Acc%). With her attack power being rather average, I would much rather her become a stun bot for ToA or in PvP. Her ability to stop strong monsters from using their skills with cooldowns will come in handy vs monsters like Chasun/Ritesh or any non fire threat. I don’t recommend going Rage/Blade due to her low attack power. Try to get as much Hp% and Acc% substats so she can land her debuffs.
Important substats: Spd, Acc%,Hp%, Atk%
Tower of Ascension Viability
Lupinus is a great monster for ToA normal and hard with the despair set. Her base hp pool is decent and if you went with Spd/Hp%/Hp%, she will be durable and can withstand attacks from ToA hard monsters.
If you don’t have Veromos yet and you need a stunner in ToA, she does the job pretty well.
Giants and Dragons B10 Viability
Lupinus can be used in Giants B10, but there are better candidates than her[insert any wind damage dealer]. I suggest you only use her for the Necropolis if you need a multi hitter.
She is not Dragons B10 material.
Arena and Guild Wars Viability
Lupinus is a niche monster in both arena and guild wars for stunning and also stopping good monsters like Chasun/Theomars from using their vital skills at the right time.
I don’t see her used too often outside of that due to her low speed and limited offensive capabilities.
Conclusion: Feed
She can be a viable stunner with utility. I think she isn’t strong enough to warrant you to 6 star her at all unless you really need that skill usage prevention. Plenty of monsters like Julien, Woochi and Lushen will outperform her in many areas of the game.]]>