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Point Roulette Event

Point Roulette Event

Childish has given us a quick overview of the new event for free devilmons. For those wanting to skill up your favorite monsters, be sure not to miss this one. It’s a great event. 🙂 The full patch notes can be found here. Greetings from Com2uS! Collect Points and spin the Roulette to get special rewards! Please read below for more info on the event. Event Details – Sep. 20th 12am – Oct. 2nd 8am PDT * Rewards available until Oc. 3rd 8am PDT >> How to collect Points ========================================================= * Rift Dungeon Point Enter 5 Rift Dungeons to get points according to the grade. F ~ C: 1pts B- ~ B+: 2pts A- ~ A+: 3pts S~SSS: 5pts ========================================================= * Rune Point Acquire Runes to get points according to the No. of Stars. ★ ~ ★★★: 1pts ★★★★: 2pts ★★★★★: 3pts ★★★★★★: 5pts ========================================================= * Acquire Grindstones & Gems to get points according to the grade. Normal – Rare: 3pts Hero: 4pts Legend: 5pts ** The Runes acquired from the Magic Shop and Achievement won’t count for the event. ========================================================= * Arena Point Meet the requirement to get points. Enter the Arena: 1pts Win in the Live Arena: 3pts ** For “Enter the Arena” Mission, all battles including the battle against rivals will count for the event. ** For “Win in the Live Arena” Mission, only the battles you won will count for the event. ========================================================= * Monster Point Meet the requirement to get points. Collect 3★+ Monster: 5pts ** For “Collect 3★+ Monster” Mission, all acquired Monsters will count for the event regardless of the method. ========================================================= ● Event 1. Collect Points to spin the Roulette! Mystical Scroll/EXP Booster/Energy/Crystals/Mana Stones/Essences/Legendary Summoning Pieces/Summoning Stones are available with a chance! * [20 points will be consumed to spin the Roulette 1 time], and you can spin [up to 100 times] until the event rewards are no longer available. ● Event 2. Get rewards according to the number of spins! Collect Points and spin the Roulette! Various rewards are available based on the number of spins (5/10/15/20/25/30/40 times)! 5 times: 100 Energy 10 times: 100,000 Mana Stones 15 times: 2 Mystical Scrolls 20 times: 100 Energy + 200,000 Mana Stones 25 times: EXP Booster (12hr) + 4★ Rainbowmon (MAX Lv.) 30 times: 300 Crystals 40 times: 1 Devilmon Please Read! – Acquired Points will be summed up and shown as [My Points] in the event page. – [20 points will be consumed to spin the Roulette 1 time], and you can spin [up to 100 times] until the event rewards are no longer available. – Points will be deducted instantly when you spin the roulette, and rewards will be sent to the Inbox. – The reward will be available for 24 hours after the event ends. – Please restart the game if you’re playing when the event begins to avoid any delays. – Please try restarting the game if you don’t see your reward at the Inbox. – The duration and remaining time for the event will be displayed in the time zone of the area that you reside in. – For questions or customer support, please contact our Customer Support by visiting http://www.withhive.com/help/inquire. Thanks!]]>