The Elite 4 Stars
This is a guest post by: cpadeo We all chase Natural 5 Stars. They have powerful abilities, incredibly synergistic skill sets, or unusual properties that make them powerful additions to any box. However, there are certain Natural 4 Stars that are arguably as strong or useful as their rarer brethren. These “Elite” Natural 4 Stars are highly sought after for the following reasons:
- Utility: These monsters usually bring an incredibly powerful or unique skill to the party.
- Versatility: These monsters find use across different areas of the game. From the Caiross Dungeons and the Tower of Ascension, to Arena and Guild Wars, they can push you further than you’ve gone before.
- Impact: These monsters are capable of completely swinging the momentum of any battle in your favor with a single turn or Violent proc.
The Queen of Healing
While other healers in the game may bring more utility to a party than Chasun, she is often cited as the most powerful pure healer in the game that isn’t a Natural 5 Star. With two different and unique heals, Chasun massively increases the survivability of any team in the game, making her a very powerful, if single-minded, pick. For a default skill, Graceful Touch is decent. A simple single target attack that has a 50% chance to apply the “Glancing” debuff for two turns, it is best used against enemy damage dealers to limit their damage output. Amuse is the first of Chasun’s two heals. It is an AoE heal that simultaneously applies the “Increase ATK” buff to the entire team for two turns, and scales off of Chasun’s maximum HP. Fallen Blossoms is Chasun’s second heal and signature ability. It is a single-target skill that compares the selected monster’s HP and ATB to Chasun’s, and does two different things. First, it takes the lower HP value between the two monsters, and matches it to the higher one. Second, it matches Chasun’s ATB to the target monster’s.Utilizing Chasun
While Chasun does bring some utility in the form of her “Glancing” debuff and “Increase ATK” buff, the real reason you bring her to a fight is to increase your team’s survivability. Amuse is Chasun’s party-healing skill and should be used as such. Unless you are guaranteed to win or take out a threat on the turn after you cast it, I would avoid using Amuse solely for the “Increase ATK” buff. Even at max level, it has three-turn cooldown, meaning you can be caught without a heal if your party takes massive damage at the wrong time. Fallen Blossoms is a much more complicated skill because it is much more than a simple heal; it has the potential to generate turn advantage for Chasun, bring back a near-death member to full health, or heal herself, depending on who you cast it on. Its description says Fallen Blossoms “balances the HP and the Attack Bar of the target ally and your HP to a higher amount than before” – simply put, it matches the lower HP value of either monster to the higher one, and matches Chasun’s ATB to the target’s ATB. In this situation, it is Chasun’s turn. If Fallen Blossoms is cast on Veromos, Chasun will gain full ATB, 100% HP, and will move again after Veromos’ turn. Because Veromos’ HP% is higher than Chasun’s, she was matched to his health amount. Since Chasun’s ATB will always be 0 after using Fallen Blossoms, she will always match the ATB of the target. Picking a target with a full ATB essentially guarantees she will move immediately after the target. Here, Spectra has 40% HP and it is Chasun’s turn. If Fallen Blossoms is cast on Spectra, Spectra’s HP will go up to 100%, while Chasun’s ATB will go up to ~30 Selective use of Fallen Blossoms is important to get the most out of it, so be aware of what it can do. Need to bring someone back from near death? Select them as the target if Chasun’s HP is higher. Need Chasun to heal herself? Select a teammate whose HP is higher than hers. Need to get in an extra turn so Amuse can come off cool down? Select a teammate with a full ATB. As if the versatility of the skill wasn’t enough, Fallen Blossoms’ heal is not prevented by the “Unrecoverable” debuff. This is an incredible mechanic of the skill that should not be overlooked. It also makes fighting her annoying, as traditional methods of countering healers are not completely effective against her.Chasun is a strong pick in nearly all aspects of the game. She can pick up healing duties by herself in Scenario, Arena, or Guild Wars, does well in Giants and Dragons teams, and increases survivability in Raids. On Defenses, she is commonly paired with threats such as Camilla or Theomars, ensuring that killing them is a difficult task and making even lighter hitting monsters more threatening.