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The Faimon Hell Farmer Guide

The Faimon Hell Farmer Guide

Normal/Hard/Hell farmers. Keep in mind all these monsters can do Faimon Normal and Hard no problem with decent 4 star or higher runes when the monster itself is 6 star level 40. Faimon Hell though, is different. I also excluded monsters that doesn’t have much use outside of farming. Natural 5 stars are also excluded. Also for people asking for 100% runs, it is hard because it depends on how good your runes are. The builds and monsters here can do 90% success rate barring no defense debuffs on the first turn in the final round. [table id=14 /]

Water Magic Knight – Lapis

Other Roles -> ToA, Arena PvP The faimon farmer given to you now. Here are the rune requirements for Faimon Hell – Vampire/Revenge(Atk%/Atk%/Atk%) Video Here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GurSzazV1Jw Other Options -> Despair/Blade(Spd/Cri D%/Atk%) This one will have a lower success rate but you can use her for Arena and ToA as a stunner. Max skill is preferred as well. Video Here –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1PaIuFC73Q

Water Nine-tailed Fox – Soha

Other Roles -> Arena PvP, ToA With vampire set and her 2nd skill, she has more than enough life steal. Set used here -> Vampire/Shield(Spd/Crit D%/Atk%). Run time is 37 seconds. Very impressive. Video Here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PUm_m2CD5Gg For other builds, check out this Reddit thread.

Water Pierret – Julie

Other Roles -> Arena PvP Julie isn’t the best candidate due to super higher requirements -> Vampire/Revenge(Hp%/Crit R%/Atk%). Video Here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FyTyiWka5uY

Water Ninja – Susano

Other Roles -> Dragons B10, Arena PvP He is good because he takes less damage due to his passive. That means less defense debuffs as well. Video Here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8TkLo1QLkE

Water Charger Shark – Acqus

Other Roles -> Dragons B10, Arena PvP Good damage with Rage/Blade(Atk%/Crit D%/Atk%) and will always succeed unless you get defense debuffed on the first turn of the last stage. You will also fail if you cannot 1 shot the hellhounds in the last stage. Video Here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYLy7AcvWsQ

Water Sylph – Tyron

Other Roles -> Arena PvP, ToA With Despair/Focus(Spd/Atk%/Atk%), you can solo it. Keep in mind you need 200+ speed so you can move twice every 2 turns. Video Here – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw2fH-VW4lA

Water Lizardman – Kernodon

Other Roles -> Dragons B10 With Violent/Energy(Def%/Def%/Def%), you need 2000+def and 13k hp for 95% success rate. More hp and defense will further increase your chances to 100%. Video Here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-HtWw8dMAY

Water Martial Artist – Luan

Other Roles -> ToA With Violent/Revenge(Def%/Crit D%/Def%) with high defense, he can do it 100% with average rune requirements. Video here -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcP1-Fpq8sw


If you have other builds not included, feel free to post below and let us know the rune build, success rate and speed of clearing faimon hell.]]>