th, 2018, Update 3.8.0, we got the twin monsters, the Chakram Dancers and Boomerang Warriors! There was a lot of other minor stuff that came with this update, like new transmogs (why hello there Hatsune Miku Cow Girls) but the main focus here are the new mons!
The Chakram Dancers and Boomerang Warriors are four-star monsters that, when put together on the same team, will actually attack together and their third skills will have benefits shared with the two girls! (For example, if a Chakram Dancer is paired up with a Boomerang Warrior and the Chakram Dancer has a passive that heals herself by 10% of her Max HP, the Boomerang Warrior will heal herself by 10% of her Max HP)
I’m going to actually split this article into two parts; one where I give first looks on the Dancers and one with the Warriors. You are currently on Part One of this article, with the Chakram Dancers. Click here to be taken to the Boomerang Warriors.
Disclaimer: As of this writing. I do not own any of the Chakram Dancers, nor am I factoring in multipliers or skills when fully skilled up.
Shaina (Fire Chakram Dancer) [Attack]
Crescent Moon Slash: Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy’s HP is low. Attacks together with Boomerang Warrior during her turn if she’s included in the ally team. This is the main gimmick of the Chakram Dancers and the Boomerang Warriors; attacking together if two from the different families are in the same team. There’s really not much to talk about for the Chakram Dancers’ first skill; however, attacking with her sister is pretty interesting, and I’m glad we finally got a good new mechanic in the game – the last new mechanic, the Threat beneficial effect, isn’t really the best.
Chakram Crush: Attacks all enemies with chakrams 2 times and stuns them for 1 turn with a 30% chance each. Oh look at that, it’s a crowd control! I can definitely see people using Chakram Dancers with the Chakram Crush second skill with Despair runes, so this way we can get as much crowd control in as possible. Overall, though, I’m not that big of a fan of this second skill. I just feel like maybe it can be better – 10% attack bar decrease, maybe?
Precision (Passive): Decreases the enemy’s Defense for 1 turn with every attack and the Attack Bar of the enemies granted with harmful effects will be decreased by 15% each. The damage that Boomerang Warrior inflicts on the target also decreases the target’s Attack Bar by 15% when they attack together. [Automatic Effect] Have I mentioned this is a great passive because this is a great passive skill. Let me put it in perspective: Loren’s passive skill, Chaser, also decreases the defense of whom she attacks for 1 turn while decreasing their attack bar by 10% each hit. However, she isn’t an AoE monster. Shaina, on the other hand, does have an AoE second skill, not to mention that she will gang up on monsters with her sister.
Author’s Opinion – Shaina is a pretty dang decent monster. Not only can she be an AoE defense breaker, but she also has a speed lead for the Arena (24%)! I’d say rune her with Violent + Focus; Violent so that she has more chances to land Defense Break, and Focus so that she has enough accuracy to land her defense break. Overall I’d give Shaina a 6/10.
Talia (Water Chakram Dancer) [Attack]
Crescent Moon Slash: Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy’s HP is low. Attacks together with Boomerang Warrior during her turn if she’s included in the ally team. Same first skill as before, nothing to see here; move along folks.
Spirit Focus: Removes all harmful effects granted on yourself and increases your Attack Power for 2 turns. You instantly gain another turn after using the skill. I’m sort of mixed between calling Spirit Focus “meh” or “pretty good” On one hand, this skill being only a self-cleanse is kind of underwhelming, but on the other, gaining another turn can be really useful. At the same token, it would be really overpowered to have a second skill be an AoE cleanse – it’s more like something that belongs in a third skill. I’d say that this skill is pretty good.
Deadly Dance: Attacks an enemy target 2 times and the damage dealt to the enemy with half or less HP increases by 50%. The damage that Boomerang Warrior inflicts on the target increases by 50% when they attack together. Though it may not seem like much at first, I can see Talia being used as a water single-target nuker. In guild wars, she can certainly be enough to finish the job against a particular troublesome monster and then you can focus on the other two.
Author’s Opinion – Talia is one of the better sisters, because of her single-target nuker ability. It can be easier to kill her target with Deadly Dance if you have any Boomerang Warrior paired up with her. I’d give her around a 6.5/10. Rune her with Fatal/Rage and Blade, with high Crit Rate and Crit Damage so that she can kill, kill, kill!
Melissa (Wind Chakram Dancer) [Attack]
Crescent Moon Slash: Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy’s HP is low. Attacks together with Boomerang Warrior during her turn if she’s included in the ally team. Again, the same first skill as before. I’d be repeating myself if I tried to say more about it.
Double Strike: Attacks the enemy 2 times to decrease the Defense with the first attack and decreases the Attack Power afterwards with a 50% chance each. Is it just me or does Melissa have a unique second skill that all the other Chakram Dancers don’t have? Unfortunately, I’d say that this second skill is “meh” at best, because Bernard’s Body Slam basically does the same thing, except it has one less hit than Double Strike.
Massacre Dance: Attacks the enemy 2 times to inflict damage that ignores all damage reduction effects and increases the damage by 10% each according to the number of beneficial and harmful effects granted on the target. Boomerang Warrior’s attacks will also ignore all of the target’s beneficial effects when they attack together. Okay, this is a pretty neat third skill; it makes up for Melissa’s okay-ish second skill. When Melissa attacks with Massacre Dance, it will ignore all the damage reduction effects on the target. That means that Chloe’s invincibility, Darion’s passive, etc. will be ignored and the monster will take the full hit. If you have a Boomerang Warrior on the team, the two are going to attack together, and I assume you’re going to get not two, but
four hits onto the monster – certainly enough to one-shot them.
Author’s Opinion – I’d say Melissa is around a 5/10, sadly the lowest score of the Chakram Dancers. If you do decide to build her, I’d say give her the same build as I recommended for Talia; Fatal/Rage and Blade, high Crit Rate and high Crit Damage.
Deva (Light Chakram Dancer) [Attack]
Crescent Moon Slash:
Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy’s HP is low. Attacks together with Boomerang Warrior during her turn if she’s included in the ally team. How many times do I have to say “same old, same old?”
Chakram Crush: Attacks all enemies with chakrams 2 times and stuns them for 1 turn with a 30% chance each. Same second skill as Shaina, nothing new to talk about here. Moving on!
Golden Opportunity (Passive): Inflicts damage that ignores the enemy target’s Defense with a 25% chance when attacking the enemy under inability effects. Boomerang Warrior’s attacks will also grant the same effect when they attack together. [Automatic Effect] Ooooh! Golden Opportunity is great – I see “ignore defense,” I like. When I see that a Boomerang Warrior will also be able to ignore defense when paired up with Deva, I love.
Author’s Note – Just for that wicked passive skill, Deva is undoubtedly the best of her sisters, and I’d give her an 8/10. Not only is she flippin’ beautiful, her passive is shared with any Boomerang Warrior if they’re put on the same team. I’d say the worst part about her is that it’s going to be really difficult to get her. Thankfully, she isn’t a natural five star, meaning it’s one star easier to get her, but it’s still difficult. Trust me, lightning rates on LnD scrolls are a total scam…
I’d say go Despair and Blade on her. This way, she can stun more people, and therefore have higher chances to ignore the defense on them.
Belita (Dark Chakram Dancer) [Attack]
Crescent Moon Slash: Attacks the enemy 2 times and deals more damage when the enemy’s HP is low. Attacks together with Boomerang Warrior during her turn if she’s included in the ally team. -insert something witty here-
Spirit Focus: Removes all harmful effects granted on yourself and increases your Attack Power for 2 turns. You instantly gain another turn after using the skill. More Spirit Focus, nothing interesting.
Moonlight Blow: Attacks an enemy target 2 times to replace all of the target’s beneficial effects with continuous damage effects. Additionally decreases the enemy’s HP by 5% each according to the number of continuous damage effects granted on the target, afterwards. Boomerang Warrior will inflict continuous damage on the enemy for 1 turn when they attack together. Okay,
wow, Moonlight Blow is great. It’s basically a single-target version of the Oracles’ Predicted Future skill, not to mention the decrease of HP based on how many DoTs are on the enemy. That’s really cool.
Author’s Opinion – I’d give Belita a 7/10. Her third skill is really good, though if I wanted to make her crazy overpowered I’d make it AoE. Rune Belita on Violent + Focus so that she can land her DoTs.
That’s Part One of this article, about the Chakram Dancers. If you haven’t yet, go click
here for the article on the Boomerang Warriors. I’m Sara Ann, and I’ll see you in the next article!