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Griffon Review – Fire / Water / Wind / Light / Dark

Griffon Review – Fire / Water / Wind / Light / Dark

Redditors have to say about him.

[Fire] | [Water] | [Wind] | [Light] | [Dark]

[nextpage title=”Spectra” img=”11114″]
3★ Fire Griffon => Spectra
Griffon Fire Spectra Awakened Fire How to get: Unknown scrolls, Mystical scrolls, fire scrolls and secret dungeon Awakened Bonus: Increases Attack Speed by 15
Leader Skill: None Skill 1: Snatch: Attacks the enemy with razor-sharp claws. Damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Damage +15%
Skill 2: Special Assault: Inflicts damage proportional to the Enemy’s MAX HP. Consumes 10% of your HP. (Reusable in 4 turn(s))
  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Backlash: Sends out a gust of wind that has a 50% chance to decrease the Attack Gauge of all enemies by 30% and decrease their Attack Speed for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turn(s))
  • Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1
  • Lv.3 Cooltime Turn -1
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 6660, 9060 Atk, 420, 571 Def, 468, 637 Spd, 126, 126 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Great speed debuffer, Somewhat squishy Great damage against high hp enemies, No AoE Attack Viable Dragons B10 member, [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Swift/Focus (Spd/Hp%/Hp%), Swift/Revenge (Spd/Crit R%/Hp%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:4.5” “Arena Offense:3.5” “Arena Defense:2.5” “Guild War Offense:3.5” “Guild War Defense:2.5” “ToA:4″] [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Kahn” img=”11113″]
3★ Water Griffon=> Kahn
Griffon Water Kahn Water How to get: Unknown scrolls, Mystical scrolls, water scrolls and secret dungeon Awakened Bonus: New Skill [Pursuit] Leader Skill: Increase the Attack Power of ally monsters with Water attribute by 30%. Skill 1: Snatch: Attacks the enemy with razor-sharp claws. Damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Damage +15%
Skill 2: Body Slam: Attacks the enemy with a body slam and weakens their Attack Power and Defense for 2 turns.
  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Pursuit: Pursues the enemy to deal a deadly blow. The damage of this attack increases according to your MAX HP and Attack Speed. (Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 9450, 12840 Atk, 258, 351 Def, 444, 604 Spd, 111, 111 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Great debuffer and decent damage, No AoE Attack[/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Swift/Blade (Atk%/Atk%/Atk%), Violent/Revenge (Spd/Crit D%/Atk%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:3” “Arena Offense:3” “Arena Defense:3” “Guild War Offense:3” “Guild War Defense:3” “ToA:3″] [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Bernard” img=”11112″]
3★ Wind Griffon => Bernard
Griffon Wind Bernard Wind How to get: Unknown scrolls, Tamor Desert, Mystical scrolls, wind scrolls and secret dungeon Awakened BonusLeader Skill (Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters with Wind attribute by 30%) Leader Skill: None Skill 1: Snatch: Attacks the enemy with razor-sharp claws. Damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Damage +15%
Skill 2: Body Slam: Attacks the enemy with a body slam and weakens their Attack Power and Defense for 2 turns. (Reusable in 3 turn(s))
  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Tailwind: Increases the Attack Bar of all allies by 30%, and also increases their Attack Speed for 2 turns. (Reusable in 5 turn(s))
  • Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1
  • Lv.3 Cooltime Turn -1
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 7635, 10380 Atk, 307, 417 Def, 517, 703 Spd, 111, 111 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Speed buffer and excellent arena offense, Doesn’t buff(Tailwind) often in arena defense[/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Swift/Energy (Spd/Hp%/Hp%), Swift/Nemesis (Spd/Crit R%/Hp%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:4” “Arena Offense:4.5” “Arena Defense:3” “Guild War Offense:4” “Guild War Defense:3” “ToA:4.5″] [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Shamann” img=”11111″]
3★ Light Griffon => Shamann
Griffon Light Shamann Light How to get: Scroll of Light and Darkness Awakened Bonus: Leader skill: Increases the Attack Power of ally monsters with Light attribute by 30%. Leader Skill: None Skill 1: Snatch: Attacks the enemy with razor-sharp claws. Damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Damage +15%
Skill 2: Special Assault: Inflicts damage proportional to the enemy’s MAX HP. Consumes 10% of your HP.(Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Guardian Angel (Passive): Increases Resistance by 20% and decreases the inflicted damage from Dark monsters by 50%.[Automatic Effect] [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8115, 11040 Atk, 347, 472 Def, 444, 604 Spd, 111, 111 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Great damage against high hp monsters and bosses, Only more effective against dark monsters[/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Energy x3 (Spd/Hp%/Hp%), Vampire/Revenge (Hp%/Crit R%/Hp%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:3” “Arena Offense:2.5” “Arena Defense:3” “Guild War Offense:2.5” “Guild War Defense:2.5” “ToA:3″] [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Varus” img=”11110″]
3★ Dark Griffon => Varus
Griffon Dark Varus Dark How to get: Light and Darkness Scroll Awakened Bonus: Stengthen skill: Power-up [Snatch]. Leader Skill: None Skill 1: Snatch: Attacks with claws and stuns the enemy if the attack lands as a Critical Hit. The damage increases according to the Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Damage +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Damage +15%
Skill 2: Body Slam: Attacks the enemy with a body slam and weakens their Attack Power and Defense for 2 turns. (Reusable in 3 turn(s))
  • Lv.2 Damage +10%
  • Lv.3 Damage +10%
  • Lv.4 Damage +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Dark Guardian (Passive): Increases Defense by 50% and recovers 20% of the damage inflicted to the enemies as HP. [Automatic Effect] [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8595, 11700 Atk, 355, 483 Def, 404, 549 Spd, 111, 111 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Can stun well, Hard to get Attack and defense debuff, No AoE skills Has sustain, [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Swift/Blade (Spd/Hp%/Hp%), Revenge x3 (Spd/Crit R%/Hp%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:3.5” “Arena Offense:3.5” “Arena Defense:3” “Guild War Offense:3.5” “Guild War Defense:3” “ToA:3.5”] [/nextpage]
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