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Harp Magician Review – Fire / Water / Wind / Light / Dark

Harp Magician Review – Fire / Water / Wind / Light / Dark

[Fire] | [Water] | [Wind] | [Light] | [Dark]

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4★ Fire Harp Magician => Harmonia
How to get: Legendary Scroll, Mystical Scroll, Fire Scroll Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill: Skill 1: Tempting Dream: Attacks the enemy target to absorb the Attack Bar by 15% with a 30% chance and puts the enemy to sleep for 1 turn with a 10% chance. The damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv2: Damage +5%
  • Lv3: Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv4: Damage +5%
  • Lv5: Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv6: Damage +10%
  • Lv7: Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Skill 2: Healing Music: Recovers the HP of all allies by 20% each, and grants immunity for 1 turn. (Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.3 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.4 Recovery +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Unwanted Harmony: Evens the HP of the enemy target, excluding the Boss, and the ally with the lowest HP. Decreases the HP of the enemy target by 15% and recovers the HP of the ally target by 15%. (Reusable in 6 turns)
  • Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1
  • Lv.3 Cooltime Turn -1
Max Awakened Stats [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8115, 11040 Atk, 420, 571 Def, 492, 670 Spd, 98, 98 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 40%, 40% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late [/easytable] Rating N/A [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Sonnet” img=”11113″]
4★ Water Harp Magician => Sonnet
harp_magician-watersonnet-water How to get: Mystical scroll, Legendary Scroll,Water Scroll Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill: Skill 1: Tempting Dream: Attacks the enemy target to absorb the Attack Bar by 15% with a 30% chance and puts the enemy to sleep for 1 turn with a 10% chance. The damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv2: Damage +5%
  • Lv3: Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv4: Damage +5%
  • Lv5: Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv6: Damage +10%
  • Lv7: Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Skill 2: Nightmare Melody: Puts all enemies to sleep for 1 turn and inflicts Continuous Damage for 2 turns with a 50% chance, each. (Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
  • Lv.4 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime turn -1
Skill 3: Distorted Healing Music: Attacks all enemies to put them to sleep for 1 turn and creates a shield that’s equivalent to 30% of the damage on all allies for 2 turns. The damage of this skill increases accordingly to your MAX HP. (Reusable in 6 turns)
  • Lv.2 Cooltime turn -1
  • Lv.3 Cooltime turn -1
Max Awakened Stats [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 7875, 10710 Atk, 444, 604 Def, 484, 659 Spd, 98, 98 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 40%, 40% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late [/easytable] Rating N/A [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Triana” img=”11112″]
4★ Wind Harp Magician => Triana
harp_magician-windtriana-wind How to get: Mystical scroll, Legendary Scroll, , Wind Scroll Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill: Skill 1: Tempting Dream: Attacks the enemy target to absorb the Attack Bar by 15% with a 30% chance and puts the enemy to sleep for 1 turn with a 10% chance. The damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.6 Damage +10%
  • Lv.7 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Skill 2: Healing Music: Recovers the HP of all allies by 20% each, and grants immunity for 1 turn. (Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.3 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.4 Recovery +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Salvation Song (Passive): Offsets the incoming damage that may cause your ally to die and instantly gains another turn. [Automatic Effect]
  • Lv.2 Cooltime Turn -1
  • Lv.3 Cooltime Turn -1
  • Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1
Max Awakened Stats [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8115, 11040 Atk, 412, 560 Def, 500, 681 Spd, 113, 113 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late [/easytable] Rating N/A [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Celia” img=”11111″]
5★ Light Wind Harp Magician => Celia
harp_magician-lightcelia-light How to get: Light and Darkness Scroll Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill: Increases the Accuracy of ally monsters in the Arena by 48%. Skill 1: Tempting Dream: Attacks the enemy target to absorb the Attack Bar by 15% with a 30% chance and puts the enemy to sleep for 1 turn with a 10% chance. The damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.6 Damage +10%
  • Lv.7 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Skill 2: Nightmare Melody: Puts all enemies to sleep for 1 turn and inflicts Continuous Damage for 2 turns with a 50% chance, each. (Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
  • Lv.4 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime turn -1
Skill 3: Dreamy Leader (Passive): Removes a random beneficial effect granted on the enemy every turn and puts the enemy to sleep for 1 turn when the beneficial effect is successfully removed. [Automatic Effect] Max Awakened Stats [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8595, 11700 Atk, 460, 626 Def, 541, 736 Spd, 113, 113 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late [/easytable] Rating N/A [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Vivachel” img=”11110″]
5★ Dark Harp Magician => Vivachel
harp_magician-darkvivachel-dark How to get: Light and Darkness Scroll Awakened Bonus: Leader Skill: Skill 1:Tempting Dream: Attacks the enemy target to absorb the Attack Bar by 15% with a 30% chance and puts the enemy to sleep for 1 turn with a 10% chance. The damage increases accordingly to your Attack Speed.
  • Lv.2 Damage +5%
  • Lv.3 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.4 Damage +5%
  • Lv.5 Harmful Effect Rate +5%
  • Lv.6 Damage +10%
  • Lv.7 Harmful Effect Rate +10%
Skill 2: Healing Music: Recovers the HP of all allies by 20% each, and grants immunity for 1 turn. (Reusable in 4 turns)
  • Lv.2 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.3 Recovery +5%
  • Lv.4 Recovery +10%
  • Lv.5 Cooltime Turn -1
Skill 3: Song of Switched Destiny: Switches the current Attack Bar and HP with the enemy, excluding the Boss, or another ally target. This effect can’t be resisted and ignores immunity. (Reusable in 7 turns) Max Awakened Stats [easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8115, 12015 Atk, 420, 615 Def, 492, 725 Spd, 113, 113 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late [/easytable] Rating N/A [/nextpage]
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