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Hiring Summoners War Writers [You are Wanted!]

Hiring Summoners War Writers [You are Wanted!]

Note: This is an unofficial site not affiliated with Com2us. Homunculus Hello fellow mobile gamer, Do you like Summoners War and are good at it? [Completed GB10, DB10 with flying colors etc] Do you also enjoy writing guides to help explain your expert knowledge of mobile games? Do you also enjoy helping new players how to progress in the game faster and get paid for it? If you answered YES to either one of those questions then you’ve come to the right place. Plexchat is looking to add some passionate contributors to its roster and it could be you! We are proud to announce our writer program for mobile games and this is unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.

Contributor Level Articles Published Amount/Article Incentives
Junior Writer 1 to 5 $12 No
Senior Writer 6 to 15 $14 No
Expert Writer 16 to 25 $16 No
Legendary Writer 26 + $20 Yes
We specialize in providing guides that will help mobile gamers advance in the game quicker. We provide tips/strategy style articles that give gamers the knowledge they need to get a head start in the game. We are currently looking Summoners War writers. Here are the topics we need:
  • Homunculus Review [All 3 Elements]
  • Top 10 Revivers
  • Speed Run Dragons B10 Team Setup [Talk about all your monsters, their runes and the strategy behind the speed run]
  • Speed Run Necropolis B10 Team Setup [Talk about all your monsters, their runes and the strategy behind the speed run]
  • Top 10 Natural 4 Star Attackers [Lushen should definitely be there alongside your top picks]
As we want to keep the format of our site readable and consistent you will need to follow these guidelines for writing and submitting your content:
  • Introduction – A 50-100 word short introduction providing the reader with knowledge as to what the article is about
  • Body – 800+ words
  • Space out your writing after every 2 sentences
  • Minimum of 3 images that are 320 x 568 pixels [Mobile Games] or 600 x 400 (Tablets)
  • Images must be taken from the game itself 
  • Use sub-titles in your article to introduce new sections in your writing
  • Submit your article in Microsoft Word (doc format)
Some example posts are: Note: Content you send must be 100% unique and not submitted elsewhere on the web. We check every article to make sure it isn’t plagiarized. We also reserve the right to choose whether an article is published or not.

How to Apply

Send your article in doc format via Microsoft Word or Google Docs to kenny@plexchat.com. Please follow the instructions below:
  • For Subject Line: Put article title in the subject line. Then, put your Author name after the title. For example, a subject line will be “Top 10 Summoners War Monsters” by “Your Name“.
  • Attach your document so we can review it. Make sure to follow the writing format guidelines outlined above.
  • For the body of the email, just give us a brief description about your gaming background and let us know a bit about yourself. We are looking to hire full time writers for Mobile Gaming.
  • We offer payment via Paypal
  • Provide your PayPal email in the body of the paragraph.
  • If you are looking to be a long term writer, attach samples of articles you have written before and we may consider you to be a full time author.
Note: If you would like to become a long term writer for us, then email us and let us know about it. Also, feel free to email any questions you might have. Thanks!]]>