Monster Spotlight: Feng Yan, the Wind Panda Warrior
It’s time to talk about our massive Wind Panda Warrior: Feng Yan (Unfair Bear)
Feng Yan is one of the 5-Star monsters you want to summon and have in your monster box because he has a lot of good skills and can be used in many different ways. In this Monster Spotlight we’ll give you all the information you need: his strengths and weaknesses, the best Runes and Artifacts for him and where and how to use him in the correct way.
You can also find a German video with English Subtitles and runes on our Youtube Channel:
The Wind Panda Warrior is a defense-type monster. As you can see from his appearance, Feng Yan is definitely a tank and will support our teams with his defense-based skills and his passive. Let’s take a closer look at his skills.
Feng Yan Skills
He brings a leader skill of 44% Defense for the whole team, but it only counts in guild conten, where he really shines. We’ll tell you why later in this article.
Feng Yan has just one skill that lets him attack the enemy directly. His 1st skill, “Sequential Attack”, attacks 3 times and has a 30% chance of landing a defense break for 2 turns with each attack. You’ll mainly use this skill to make sure that the enemy get a defense break while also doing some good damage.
His 2nd skill cleanses all harmful effects on yourself. This is a pretty powerful move, especially if you get a defense break, which can be very serious for a defense-based monster like Feng Yan. You can get rid of it instantly if you turn. Additionally he gets the counterattack effect and restores HP effect for all allies for 2 turns. Whenever the enemy attacks Feng Yan in this status, he will counterattack with his first skill.
His passive “Winds and Clouds” is the most important skill. If the enemy’s defense is lower than yours, he’ll take 20% less damage and he’ll get Attack Bar by 20% for every enemy attack. This is a huge advantage and allows us to have a very tanky unit that can withstand enemy attacks. Also, he deals additional damage in proportion to his defense with each attack.
Where to use
You can use Feng Yan in many contents in Summoners War. He is a very useful monster with lots of applications, which makes him really valuable. He’s best used in RTA and Siege, you can even use duplicate Fengs in Siege.
Let’s take a closer look:
There is no specific team with Feng Yan. He is often picked as counter or threat if the enemy doesn’t have enough damage against Feng Yan and his passive, or if you don’t want to have monsters that cut in between if you’re using other skills than 1st skill like Giou. Feng Yan brings a lot of tank and damage to the team and without a defense break, he’s pretty tough to kill.
Feng Yan is usually paired with second-turn teams that include other sustainable monsters like Sagar, Chandra, Velajuel, Miles, Riley, and Juno. Some of them also bring a defense leader skill of 44% for the whole team in Arena content.
In Siege we have some great combos with Feng Yan. You can play these teams against other tanky teams that aren’t too difficult or quick to kill or you cannot pick a cleave combo against it. Teams including Leo can be picked if you don’t want to get the enemy’s first turn or against speed-based monsters like the Beast Riders.
Here are some common teams that work well with Feng Yan:
Feng Yan – Aaliyah – Velajuel or Leo
Aaliyah and Feng Yan are a dream team. She can buff the whole team with immunity and a defense buff, which are essential for Feng Yan in this team. His attacks are stronger and it’s not easy for the enemy to get a defense break on him if he has the immunity buff almost every round. Velajuel’s damage and immunity buff for 3 turns are very helpful either. If you’re up against defenses with Beast Riders or other fast units, it’s probably best to replace Velajuel with Leo.
If you don’t have an Aaliyah you can also use Riley or Tetra in this team.
Bolverk and Amelia are a pretty common team in Siege, due to Bolverk’s huge damage-to-heal ratio and Amelia’s buffs for Bolverk to get his 5 books make them a great combo. With 5 books he is able to decreases the enemy’s HP by 50%. Instead of Windy or Mo Long you can also use Feng Yan in this combo. He provides buffs with his 2nd skill and good additional damage with his 1st skill to take the enemies out after Bolverk’s 3rd skill or to prepare the kill.
The Wind Panda Warrior is not only usable in PvP content, you can use him in many PvE areas as well such as Rift Beasts, Rift Raid 5 Solo Team, Dimension Hole and Tartarus’ Labyrinth. That’s why everyone wants a Feng Yan!
How to Build
If you’re looking to build Feng Yan, it’s a good idea to focus on Violent runes. This gives him the chance to proc and hit multiple times with his first skill, especially if he lands the defense break with the first attack. Make sure to equip a lot of additional damage artifacts to boost his damage exceptionally!
The second rune set can be Destroy, Will or Revenge, depending on where you’re using him. If you’re using him in Siege content, Destroy is the way to go, so you destroy the enemy’s HP and make sure to win the fight even if it takes a bit longer.
Will or Revenge can be also good in the other situations. Will is often really helpful in RTA, so he won’t get any harmful effect at the start of the game if your opponent is faster (apart from units that can remove beneficial effects). The Revenge set gives you another 15% to counterattack the enemy. This helps keeping the defense break on the enemies and dealing good damage even if it isn’t your turn.
Feng Yan doesn’t need damage runes. His damage comes from his passive skill, additional damage artifacts and his defense. So, it’s recommended to build him on triple Defense on rune slots 2/4/6 and as much defense as you can.
He should have a decent amount of HP, as well as some ACC and SPD. His passive gives him some attack bar, but you don’t want him to be too slow.
Now you know how to build and use your Wind Panda Warrior in Summoners War. You need more help? – don’t hesitate and ask on our Discord Server.