Valkyrja Review – Fire / Water / Wind / Light / Dark

DMD Reddit post for her.
[Fire] | [Water] | [Wind] | [Light] | [Dark]
[nextpage title=”Vanessa” img=”11114″]

- Lv.2 Damage + 10%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.2 Damage + 5%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.5 Cooltime Turn – 1
- Lv.2 Cooltime – 1
- Lv.3 Cooltime – 1
Awakened Stats
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 7995, 10875 Atk, 517, 703 Def, 525, 714 Spd, 101, 101 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 40%, 40% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Excellent support, 3rd skill loses out to the revive of Archangels Defense debuff, Can be squishy with no hp runes Excellent arena speed leader,[/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Swift/Energy (Spd/Hp%/Hp%), Violent/Nemesis (Spd/Hp%/Hp%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:4” “Arena Offense:4.5” “Arena Defense:5” “Guild War Offense:4.5” “Guild War Defense:4.5” “ToA:4”] Player notes by Helfeather One of the best leader abilities out there for Arena.. However, I feel that her skills and stats suffer from skillset dissonance. Her stats are really balanced, but her 1st and 2nd skills cater towards a more damage-oriented build.. But you can’t build her pure damage because her attack stat isn’t THAT good and since she is a unit with resurrect, she is often targeted first.. And if she’s targeted first, you want as much HP/Res as you can get on her! So begins an endless cycle. I think it all depends what your team needs, but I think if I could get any kind of rune I want, I’d build her pure tank with tons of HP and Res. [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Camilla” img=”11113″]

- Lv.2 Damage + 10%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.2 Damage + 5%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.5 Cooltime Turn – 1
Awakened Stats
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8835, 12015 Atk, 525, 714 Def, 460, 626 Spd, 101, 101 Crit Rate, 30%, 30% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Tanky and can recover, No AoE[/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Energy x3 (Hp%/Hp%/Hp%), Violent/Nemesis (Atk%/Crit D%/Atk%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:4.5” “Arena Offense:4.5” “Arena Defense:5” “Guild War Offense:4.5” “Guild War Defense:5” “ToA:4.5”] Player notes by ofuro28 Water Valkyrja / Camilla I’m a lucky guy because she choose me to own her :3 You can use two builds for camilla:- atk mode violent + blade with violent/blade (atk%/critD%/atk%). Because she receive additional crit% when awakened, it’s easy to stack at least 45% of crit rate, hence going for critD% is maximizing her potential. with this rune configuration, I can solo faimon 1 hell with 95% success rate (only die if she got armor debuff more than 3 turns). she can easily hit 8k+ minimum with 1st skill using this rune configuration
- tank mode with violent+energy with all HP%. This config will maximize her 3rd skill potential. She can reach at least 40k+ HP. So let’s say she only got 5k HP left, with her 3rd skill she heal 7k HP every turn :D.

- Lv.2 Damage + 10%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.2 Damage +10%
- Lv.3 Damage +10%
- Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1
- Lv.2 Damage +10%
- Lv.3 Damage +10%
- Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1
Awakened Stats
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 8235, 11205 Atk, 589, 801 Def, 436, 593 Spd, 116, 116 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons High damage and ignores defense, Attacks randomly(can also attack dead units as well) Gains invincibility, Can be squishy Hard hitter when invincible, Needs monsters like Neal or Chloe to do more damage[/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Fatal/Blade (Atk%/Atk%/Atk%), Rage/Endure (Atk%/Crit D%/Atk%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:4” “Arena Offense:4.5” “Arena Defense:3.5” “Guild War Offense:4.5” “Guild War Defense:3.5” “ToA:4”] Player Notes by lynder Katarina Everyone’s favorite girl. Unfortunately, don’t bother with her unless you have chole. Her first and second skill hits relatively hard, but if you can’t get invincibility for her 3rd skill, she’s very bad. It won’t bet on her setting up invincibility on her own, and neal’s a waste of space to set her up compared to chole. Arena – A chole + kat combo will leave your enemy team half dead on AO. Don’t use her on AD as they seldom execute the combo Dungeon/toa- She is very good situations when you can force focus her 3rd skill (e.g. by taking out all of the boss’s stage minions, leaving only the boss). She’ll deal with any TOA boss easily Conclusion – Top tier attacker if she has invincibility. However, use only with chole, nobody else. Don’t put her on AD. Lushen is probably her only competitor for her team slot, and many prefer lushen due to the ease of setting up, and you can play megan for an attack boost instead of chole Also, i got a Water Beast Monk today (while summoning in hope of hell girl). His online reviews were quite bad, but I’ll test him out sometime soon to see what kind of team needs to be build around him. I’m guessing one glass cannon and a good % healer. Anyone here got any idea of him? You can always find me on 8088 to see my mons. I’m usually sitting on conq 3, so i can say with experience that a bulky fire team can do well in arena (and defeat all those tyron teams) [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Akroma” img=”11111″]

- Lv.2 Damage + 10%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.2 Damage + 5%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.5 Cooltime Turn – 1
Awakened Stats
[easytable]Stat, 5★, 6★ Hp, 7875, 10710 Atk, 500, 681 Def, 549, 747 Spd, 116, 116 Crit Rate, 15%, 15% Crit Damage, 50%, 50% Resistance, 15%, 15% Accuracy, 0%, 0%[/easytable] [easytable]Pros, Cons Immune to harmful effects, Average base attack power Good utility, [/easytable] Rune Recommendations[2/4/6] [easytable]Early, Late Energy x3 (Spd/Atk%/Hp%), Violent/Revenge (Atk%/Crit D%/Atk%)[/easytable] Rating [usrlist “Dungeon:4.5” “Arena Offense:4” “Arena Defense:4.5” “Guild War Offense:4” “Guild War Defense:4.5” “ToA:4″] [/nextpage][nextpage title=”Trinity” img=”11110″]

- Lv.2 Damage + 10%
- Lv.3 Damage + 10%
- Lv.4 Damage + 10%
- Lv.2 Damage +10%
- Lv.3 Damage +10%
- Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1
- Lv.2 Damage +10%
- Lv.3 Damage +10%
- Lv.4 Cooltime Turn -1