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Milestones for Beginners by Karim

Milestones for Beginners by Karim

The 1st Milestone: Your Farmer Lapis Water This game is a game of grinding and leveling your monsters and grinding again to get runes to power up your monsters and so on. 5 staring or even 6 staring and awakening your farmer is your first big step in the game. You must have a strong reliable farmer that can easily farm hard (better a hell) level in one of the scenario maps alone without other monsters (Solo farmer). After that, you will accompany this monster with three weaker monsters that you want to level up. Summoners war provide the players now for a good 4 star monster; Lapis the water magic knight. She can be used easily to farm Faimon Volcano stage 1 easily. Faimon Volcano is the BEST area to farm in the game. Why? Because although there are other areas that provide higher experience or higher mana, Faimon Volcano provide the highest energy drops in the map. So, you will be using less energy overall to farm the same amount of exp and mana. You can read more about Lapis here: https://summonerswarskyarena.info/lapis-water-magic-knight/ For other areas of farming you can read here: http://forum.com2us.com/forum/main-forum/summoner-s-war/guides-and-tips-ac/532615-a-guide-to-exp-farming Suppose you was lucky and you got some good 4 star or 5 star monsters. How do you know if they can be used as farmers or not? A potential farmer must have at least 2 of the following criteria: – Strong attack thus he/she can kill a monster with every single attack. – Can attack several monsters at the same time (AoE damage). – Has self-heal. – Tanky enough to withstand damage. Lapis can fulfil the 2nd and the 3rd criteria. For famous farmers and their rune build, you go here: http://forum.com2us.com/forum/main-forum/summoner-s-war/guides-and-tips-ac/682165-best-solo-farmers-guide So, if you was lucky and summoned something good, you can use it as your farmer. If you don’t have, don’t worry this game is all about team synergy. Advice: don’t waste time trying to build a farmer from a 3* monster e.g. Raoq, Sath, …etc. Those videos on youtube are only for showing the overpowered runes they have. You won’t be able to get runes like this without finishing your 5th milestone at least. The 2nd Milestone: Get Belladeon Without hesitation, she is your 2nd 6 star monster after your farmer. Save crystals for energy refills on Sunday and keep your eyes on the chat to get her. You can read more about her here: https://summonerswarskyarena.info/belladeon-light-inugami/ The 3rd Milestone: Fuse Veromos. Veromos and Belladeon are the backbone of your giants and dragon B10 teams and your arena defense. Of course you will fuse him if you are lucky to get the required monsters. Most of them are farmable. You can read more about his fusion and the required monsters here: https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/2pqkit/fusion_recap_everyone_want/ You can read more about Veromos here: https://summonerswarskyarena.info/veromos-dark-ifrit/ If Veromos is not available you will have to build a Konamiya, the water Garuda and give it speed as much as you can. It’s not as effective as Veromos but it’s better than nothing. The 4th Milestone: Building your Giants B10 team: Your first target is to build Giants B7 team but without using any fire monster …why? Because this same team will be used to farm B10 which is water based. You will use the runes you got from farming B7 to improve your team as much as you can then you will use your friends representative monsters to unlock B8 and B9 to get to B10. Do not waste your time in B8 and B9, your target is B10. Your basic formation will be Veromos as leader, Belladeon, Bernard (the wind Griffon) and Shannon (the wind Pixie) plus any wind (better) or water (acceptable) damage dealer to speed up the run. You can get Bernard from farming any stage in Tamor Desert and you will find the wind Pixie from time to time in the Magic Shop. All of them will be built as Swift/Focus or Swift/Energy with 2/4/6 as SPD/HP%/HP% or SPD/HP%/ACC% and your target stats as follows: HP +16000 and accuracy above 60%. You will improve their stats with the runes from B7 to become able to farm B10 later. You can read more building your Giants B10 team here: http://forum.com2us.com/forum/main-forum/summoner-s-war/general-ab/542944-giants-b10-help https://summonerswarskyarena.info/auto-giants-b10-f2p-guide-updated/ Remember: these basic teams are not the rule, you may be lucky to get a monster that will make your life easier. The 5th Milestone: Building your Dragon B10 team. After you start farming Giants B10 use your runes to improve your team as much as you can and voila your giants B10 team will be your dragon B8 team. Now Dragon B10 is really bad but at this time in the game you may have a good 4 star or 5 star monster that will help you to farm it. There is two approaches either tanky team that can sustain damage or a speedy team that can out speed the crystals and the dragon. In both cases you need to grind Giants B10 and Dragons B8 to get the best runes you can get to prepare your team. The problem here is: there is no other level that is like B10 so you will have to face a failure after failure till you can farm B10. Again Veromos and Belladeon will be here plus 3 of the following monsters. Konamiya: the water garuda Megan: the water mystic witch Sigmarus: the fusable water phoenix Baretta: the fusable Legendary fire sylph Mikene: the fusable water undine. Unfortunately, there is no specific standards to create a team that can beat dragon B10 easily. You will have to watch your team dies several times to analyze the defect in your team and sometime asking for help (as I did here, Thanks again XelNecra and Thorinale) is the only way to solve your problem. Here are several guides and possible team compositions for farming Dragons B10: http://forum.com2us.com/forum/main-forum/summoner-s-war/general-ab/561043-guide-to-auto-dragon-s-lair https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/2zrbhc/dragon_b10_guide_for_battle_tested_summoners/ https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerswar/comments/3rru6f/miniguide_slowsafe_auto_dragons_b10/ The 6th Milestone: I don’t know, I just started farming Dragon B10 few days ago.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Source: http://forum.summonerswarskyarena.info/index.php?topic=426.0]]>