10th Anniversary Selective Summon Event – Which monster should you choose? [Tierlist]
![10th Anniversary Selective Summon Event – Which monster should you choose? [Tierlist]](https://summonerswarskyarena.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/pick-event-10-years.jpg)
Hello fellow Summoners!
If you’re looking for some tips for the new Special Summon Rate Up Event, just take a look into this post!
Today, the big 10th Anniversary update (Summoners War version 8.3.0) was released. We’re overwhelmed with a lot of events, new Scrolls and even new Monsters – The new 4-star Cyborg and 5-star Hacker.
To make it easy for you to choose your new 5-star monsters in Summoners War, this post provides you with a Tierlist and information about what to choose from the free 5-star event and the 10th Ancient Anniversary Scroll. No matter if you’re a new player or an experienced Summoner – everyone can freely choose a natural 5-star and should make sure to pick the best possible option!
Let’s take a look at the new 10-year scrolls:
First of all, there is the “10-Year Special Scroll” – You already get 5 of them for free after logging in.
This scroll is like a minor version of the all attribute scroll. You’ll summon a random 3- to 5-star monster of any element, including dark and light monsters. The chances are as follows:
Wind / Water / Fire 3* 71.5%
Light / Dark 3* 20%
Wind / Water / Fire 4* 6%
Light / Dark 4* 2%
Wind / Water / Fire 5* 0.45%
Light / Dark 5* 0.05%
With these scrolls we’re having a small chance to summon a light or dark 4- or even 5-star monster. This is insane, especially because Com2uS treats us with at least 200 free 10-Year Special Scrolls through the “100+100 10-Year Special Scrolls”- event, along with a lot of other great rewards.
If you’re not a free to play player and consider buying the new 10-Year Ancient Transcendence Scroll, you will get one summoning consisting of 10 new monsters. This summoning looks and feels like the one we had for the 9th Anniversary event, but this time it is the ancient version of the transcendence scroll. This means, all of the 10 monsters are new! No dupes will be available. Yes, you can select one out of 10 monsters you don’t have yet!
Combined with the “Select a 5-star Monster”-event, this is a huge upgrade to your monster collection and your teams. So what is good to focus on and what to pick in Summoners War’s 10th Anniversary Events and scrolls (this is not a ranking list, just the best monsters!):
Top 10 PvE / Beginners
Leo is one of the best monsters in Summoners War, every Summoner wants a Leo. Why? Because of his unique passive skill that limits the Attack Speed of all enemies and allies to his Attack Speed
Tiana is the only Summoners War monster which has an 100% guaranteed AoE strip. This skill makes her not only unqiue, she’s also very strong and definitely crits with her S2.
Verad is one of the best beginner monsters when it comes to a ToA Team and you don’t have Tyron the Water Sylph. He’s a very good controller with Freeze and ATK Bar reduce. At later stage you can use him in PvP Content as well.
Rica is not only good for beginners, she’s generally a good allrounder in Summoners War. You can use her for your ToA team, especially ToA Hard when you need a lot of Dots to defeat the enemies. She has also a potential of an AoE stun to control the enemies. In mid/end game you can also use her in PvP.
Savannah can be a good damage dealer for one of your first Giants team, also usable in diverse Giants Abyss Team. She brings an AoE Defense Break + ATK Bar pushback.
Teshar is one of the monsters for the Giants Abyss Hard Speed Team. He does AoE hits with his passive, therefore he can clear the waves pretty easily and fast.
Amber is such a good monster, with her passive she deals more damage of the target’s MAX HP per harmful effect which makes her pretty strong in ToA Teams.
Chiwu is a good choice for your Arena team. He as a Speed Lead of 24% and has an Aoe Strip + ATK Bar pushback skill in perfect preparation for your follow up units.
Bastet is just a good allrounder and can be used in Raid Teams, Arena or later in Siege/RTA. She supports her team with a strong ATK Bar push of 25% and Attack Buff as well as protect them with a shield.
Brandia is a strong damage dealer which can boost your Beast Teams and Artifact (Speed) Teams
Top 10 Allrounder
Leo is one of the best monsters in Summoners War, every Summoner wants a Leo. Why? Because of his unique passive skill that limits the Attack Speed of all enemies and allies to his Attack Speed.
Bolverk – Water Lightning Emperor
Bolverk is neither a damage dealer or healer. He’s both! With beneficial effect he can stack his knowledge to do damage on his enemies and heal his allies which makes him valuable for ToA Hell Teams, Siege and RTA.
Tiana is the only Summoners War monster which has an 100% guaranteed AoE strip. This skill makes her not only unqiue, she’s also very strong and definitely crits with her S2.
Feng Yan is always a good choice when it comes to the usage. You can use him everywhere! His passive, Defense Break with S1, Counterattack/Heal and Cleanse with S2 makes him applicable in many areas of the game.
Juno is one of the monsters which can be used in almost every content of the game. Her passive skill that she cleanses harmful effect and get a Speed buffs makes her strong against many team combination. She can be used in different Siege or RTA teams.
Woosa is such a great support monster, he has a strong shield equally 15% of his HP for his allies, can buff Immunity for 3 turns and heal them with S2.
Cheongpung is a good allrounder for PvP content and has valuable skills. He pushes Attack Bar back, can increase the cooltime and Defense break the enemies.
Rica is not only good for beginners, she’s generally a good allrounder in Summoners War. You can use her for your ToA team, especially ToA Hard when you need a lot of Dots to defeat the enemies. She has also a potential of an AoE stun to control the enemies. In mid/end game you can also use her in PvP.
Camilla has a powerful passive skill and she cleanses every harmful effect if she gets a critical hit. She also heals herself and her allies which makes her a pretty strong tank with good damage.
Because of his cooltime and Attack Bar reset he is an awesome support for different teams and can be used in many parts of the game like ToA, RTA or Siege.
Top 10 RTA
Vanessa is one of the Arena Speed Leads with 33% and therefore always a good pick in RTA. Her revive is a skill and can be used even after the first revive.
Moore is with his 24% Speed Lead and his passive a good pick for Speed combs in RTA, he can also strip and Attack Break the enemy.
Haegang has an unique passive skill: he cleanses the harmful effect and pushes the Attack Bar of his allies if the enemy strips a benefical effect from an ally. Mostly he will cut in between which is very annoying.
Cheongpung is a good allrounder for PvP content and has valuable skills. He pushes Attack Bar back, can increase the cooltime and Defense break the enemies.
Oliver has the Wind Arena Speed Lead of 33% and can do a lot of things to support his team. He can increase the cooltime of the enemies and absorbs their Attack Bar.
Masha is a pretty strong damage dealer and counters monsters like Oliver with her passive. As a beast rider she has a “second” life and therefore more change to deal tons of damage.
Sagar can be picked in different RTA Teams, with his Attack Bar reset to 0, increase cooltime of one enemy and the consistent chance to provoke the enemy he can control the whole team and support his damage dealers.
Mei Hou Wang – Fire Monkey King
Mei Hou Wang is not only a absurd strong damage dealer, he is also a good counterpick against different monsters which can not oneshot or control him.
Adriana – Water Pudding Princess
Adriana brings a lot of good skils to support the team: Attack Speed, Attack Buff and Immunity, she can also heal her allies and does Oblivion against enemies.
Douglas is most often be picked as a counterpick against Wind monsters or monsters which has lower Attack.
Top 10 Siege
Leo is one of the best monsters in Summoners War, every Summoner wants a Leo. Why? Because of his unique passive skill that limits the Attack Speed of all enemies and allies to his Attack Speed.
Bolverk – Water Lightning Emperor
Bolverk is neither a damage dealer or healer. He’s both! With beneficial effect he can stack his knowledge to do damage on his enemies and heal his allies which makes him valuable for ToA Hell Teams, Siege and RTA.
Feng Yan is always a good choice when it comes to the usage. You can use him everywhere! His passive, Defense Break with S1, Counterattack/Heal and Cleanse with S2 makes him applicable in many areas of the game.
Aaliyah is the Water sister of Riley and is pretty strong together with Defense-based monsters like Feng Yan.
Nora is a nice Siege unit and can be used either in a defense or offense. She heals, strips, make Dots and can also provoke the enemies, therefore she’s a great support and also very annoying against her enemies.
Juno is one of the monsters which can be used in almost every content of the game. Her passive skill that she cleanses harmful effect and get a Speed buffs makes her strong against many team combination. She can be used in different Siege or RTA teams.
Camilla has a powerful passive skill and she cleanses every harmful effect if she gets a critical hit. She also heals herself and her allies which makes her a pretty strong tank with good damage.
Poseidon – Water Sea Emperor / Cheongpung – Wind Art Master
In this case you can choose either Poseidon or Cheongpong. Both of them can be used in Siege Cleave Teams for a fast win!
Helena / Amelia – Fire / Water Unicorn
It depends on your monster box but both ponies are definitely worth and usable for Siege teams.
The Water brother of Feng Yan is really nice in different Siege teams to snipe fast an enemy and back up heal for example with Bolverk or Riley.
To make sure that you get the most out of the Nat 5 Monster Selective Summon Event, you should open all of your other scrolls before. However, if you summon a duplicate of your selected monster within the event period, you can change it 1 time for free. This should be done at the very end of the event, to avoid getting another dupe of the second monster you’ve selected.
If you’re still unsure what to select, or need some advice on your choice of the 10-Year Ancient Transcendence Scroll, feel free to join the community on DISCORD. We’re happy to help or just have a chat about your new monsters or anything related : )