10 Years Hall of Heroes Event – Which monster should you pick? [HoH Tierlist]
![10 Years Hall of Heroes Event – Which monster should you pick? [HoH Tierlist]](https://summonerswarskyarena.info/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/hoh-event.png)
Since 2014, Com2us has given us one Hall of Heroes every month with a specific monster. For one weekend, you can farm summoning pieces of that specific monster for free.
Now, with the huge 10 anniversary year, we will have a total of 120 Hall of Heroes, available for 24 weeks! Every Hall of Heroes we’ve had since 2014 will come back for this awesome event, and we have the chance to pick monsters we don’t have or missed from the previous Hall of Heroes. This event is just crazy, so many Hall of Heroes and possibilities to get Light & Dark 4-stars in a short period of time.
Usually, we have to wait 4 month, until a LD Nat 4 Hall of Heroes dungeon opens, but now you can get one of your dream Light&Dark Nat 4 every month! With so many monsters and picks, we’ve decided to create a Hall of Heroes Tierlist to help you decide which monster you should pick. Of course the LD 4-stars are often the pick number one, but if you already have these kind of monsters, which would be the best pick then?
Let’s start! (If you don’t have the LDs, pick them first!) For individual questions and advice, feel free to ask us and the community on our DISCORD
S Tier
Gin, the Light Ninja, is one of the best picks here. You can use him as Lead Monster for Lushen Cleave Offs especially for Siege. His Speed Lead is really strong like from all Ninjas and Dova, the Light Harg can benefit from him to push Lushen.
A Tier
Luna, the Dark Pierret, is a good choice if you don’t have her. She’s a strong Dark nuker and can be used in dungeon speed teams.
Delphoi, the Wind Undine, is the next choice if you already have the LD Nat 4s. Delphoi has Immunity, Heal and Oblivion and therefore a good support unit for Siege offenses.
B Tier
Shihwa, the Fire Nine-tailed Fox, has one of the Leader Skill for BJ5 Team but since you can use other monsters for the Leader Skill she’s not that relevant. But she’s a niche nuker for some Siege offenses.
C Tier
Su, the Water Rakshasa, is a niche monster and deals good damage, but you don’t use her really.
S Tier
Liesel, the Water Vampire, got good buffs the last time and deals very good damage to all enemies. Can be used in Arena Offenses or RTA Teams. He’s a very good choice here if you don’t need to choose the LD Nat 4s.
A Tier
Aria, the Light Succubus, is like all Succubus really annoying with their sleep skills and can be used in several niche sleep teams. She’s not that bad.
B Tier
Guillaume, the Dark Phantom Thief, can be picked if you don’t have him for your LD Nat 4 collection. There are no specific usages for him.
C Tier
Acasis, the Wind Sylphid, can be used as a support unit, but there are much better choices and be picked only for skill ups or for the monster collection.
Hong Hua, the Fire Kung Fu Girl, is not that relevant.
S Tier
Dias, the Dark Death Knight, is definitely the best choice here. Dias is one of the best dark tanks in the game and can be used for Siege offenses.
A Tier
Draco, the Fire Brownie Magician, is the next choice after the LD Nat 4s, he can be used for several Cleave teams for his Attack Bar Push and gives the team random buffs like Attack Power.
C Tier
Eredas, the Light Sylph, can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection or for Tyron skill ups.
Kaz, the Water Samurai, is not relevant, you can fuse him anyway.
Taurus, the Wind Kobold Bomber, is not that relevant and be used only for skill ups.
S Tier
Cichlid, the Wind Mermaid, is a good Siege Defense monster despite the nerf. You can choose her if you already have the LD Nat 4s.
B Tier
Brig, the Light Pirate Captain, is not relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
Lanett, the Dark Magic Knight, is also not relevant. Pick her if you don’t have this monster.
C Tier
Surtr, the Fire Barbaric King, is not important and can be picked for skill ups.
Ryan, the Water Neostone Fighter, can deal good damage but it’s very niche and can be picked for skill ups.
S Tier
Tilasha, the Dark Undine, is the best choice after her buff. She’s like Vivachel and change the HP ratio with the ally or enemy, therefore really strong with Leo teams in RTA.
A Tier
Rigel, the Water Lich, has a good passive and deals damage, can be used in niche teams for Siege and RTA.
B Tier
Olivia, the Wind Neostone Agent, has defense buff skills, so she’s strong in combos with def-based monsters like Copper or Bulldozer.
Conrad, the Light Death Knight, is not that bad anymore after his buff and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection or in niche teams.
C Tier
Lexy, the Fire Assassin, is not that relevant and can be picked for skill ups.
S Tier
Imesety, the Wind Horus, is a good pusher for several Siege offense teams and therefore a great choice if you already have the LD Nat 4s.
B Tier
Eva, the Light Pierret, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection or skill ups.
Ran, the Dark Rakshasa, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection or skill ups.
C Tier
Avaris, the Water Anubis, is not that relevant, good for skill ups.
Smokey, the Fire Jack-o-Lantern, is not that relevant, good for skill ups.
S Tier
Gemini, the Light Brownie Magician, is a good choice for several Cleave teams, he can strip and def break all enemies.
A Tier
Bering, the Dark Kobold Bomber, is a nice toy monster and not that bad especially for Bomber teams.
Sian, the Water Joker, is perfect for annoying last picks in RTA or Siege offense due to his bomb skills and passive.
C Tier
Jun, the Fire Samurai, is not that relevant.
Barque, the Wind Pirate Captain, is not that relevant.
S Tier
Clara, the Fire Pierret, would be the next choice besides the LD Nat 4s. She is one of the best strip and stun monsters in the game and can be used in several Siege teams, also in Arena and RTA.
A Tier
Karl, the Dark Neostone Fighter, is not a bad choice if you don’t have any LD Nat 4s in this Hall of Heroes and can be used as a good damage dealer in Siege.
Aegir, the Water Barbaric King, can be picked for Siege offense teams, he can deal good damage and reduce attack bar.
B Tier
Shimitae, the Wind Sylph, is a good cleave monster for Arena or RTA.
Icasha, the Light Undine, is a niche support unit and can be picked for your LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Dusky, the Dark Jack-o-Lantern, deals good damage and can be used in strong Arena and RTA combs with Elsharion and Fran.
A Tier
Tetra, the Water Mermaid, supports her team with her strong heal passive and S2 shield. She can be used in several Siege offense teams or even in RTA.
B Tier
Arnold, the Fire Death Knight, is a good counter against several Siege defenses like Mo Long.
C Tier
Lupinus, the Wind Magic Knight, is not that relevant and you can fuse her anyway.
Natalie, the Light Assassin, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Mihyang, the Water Sky Dancer, has strong skills and a good leader skills for Siege offenses and defenses.
A Tier
Antares, the Fire Lich, is such an annoying unit and can be picked as counter last pick in RTA.
B Tier
Orochi, the Wind Ninja, has good multi-hits and can be picked as a niche unit for Dimihole dungeons or Siege offenses.
C Tier
Louis, the Light Phantom Thief, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
Kamiya, the Dark Nine-tailed Fox, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Liu Mei, the Light Kung Fu Girl, is such a strong unit and was one of the most picked defenses in Siege for a while. She can strip, stun and reduce attack bar. Definitely choice number one here.
A Tier
Chilling, the Water Jack-o-Lantern, is really strong against Siege defenses with buffer since he can steal the beneficial effects and heal himself.
B Tier
Morris, the Wind Dice Magician, is really niche and be picked as a toy unit.
C Tier
Duamutef, the Fire Horus, is not that relevant and can be picked for skill ups.
Korona, the Dark Brownie Magician, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Isabelle, the Dark Assassin, is a great nuker for Siege offense and therefore a good choice here.
A Tier
Deva, the Light Chakram Dancer, is not as good as her sisters and can be picked for your LD Nat 4 collection or dungeons teams.
B Tier
Fedora, the Water Death Knight, can be picked as niche tank in Siege offenses.
Trevor, the Fire Neostone Fighter, can deal good damage and can be picked as a niche monster in Siege offenses.
C Tier
Julien, the Wind Phantom Thief is not that relevant.
S Tier
Figaro, the Light Joker, is a great Light tank with this strong passive and can be used for Siege offenses and defenses.
Carcano, the Fire Sniper Mk.I, is a good nuker for several Siege offenses and defenses.
A Tier
Isael, the Dark Succubus, can be used in niche sleep combos for Arena or RTA with her sister the Light Succubus.
B Tier
Mellia, the Wind Dryad, is good for the first Giants and ToA teams, but nowadays you can fuse her.
C Tier
Emma, the Water Neostone, is not that relevant.
S Tier
Misty, the Light Jack-o-Lantern, got a buff and is not that bad for some niche combos in RTA. You can pick him if you don’t have him.
A Tier
Zenobia, the Wind Boomerang Warrior, deals great damage with her sisters and can be used in Rift teams or R5 solo team.
B Tier
Hrungnir, the Dark Barbaric King, can picked as a niche damage dealer.
Fria, the Fire Sylphid, is a niche support unit and be used for R5 solo teams.
C Tier
Sonnet, the Water Harp Magician, is not that relevant and be picked for niche teams or skill ups.
S Tier
Monte, the Dark Dice Magician, was a long time a really annoying unit in Siege defenses. Like all Dice Magician he can do random skills and is therefore unpredictable. He is a great choice here.
A Tier
Abigail, the Water Cannon Girl, is the perfect unit for Necropolis because of her multi-hits. If you already have the LD Nat 4s you can pick her or for skill ups.
B Tier
Pang, the Light Rakshasa, extend the harmful effects and is a good choice if you don’t have her and you want to use her in your Punisher’s Crypt team.
Hwahee, the Fire Sky Dancer, can be used in niche teams or for R5 solo team.
C Tier
Tanya, the Wind Assassin, is not that relevant.
S Tier
Astar, the Fire Magic Knight, is one of the best dungeon monsters, so if you already have the LD Nat 4s but no Astar, you can choose her in this HoH.
A Tier
Malaka, the Water Kobold Bomber, can be used in several Bomber teams, especially for Siege offenses.
B Tier
Melissa, the Wind Chakram Dancer, deals great damage with her sisters and can be used in Rift teams or R5 solo team.
Chamie, the Light Nine-tailed Fox, can be picked for your LD Nat 4 collection and as a niche nuker.
C Tier
Sige, the Dark Samurai, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
A Tier
Phenaka, the Light Gargoyle, should be the best choice here, but this HoH week is not that great. He can extend the cooltime of the enemies skill in status form and can be used in niche Siege offenses.
B Tier
Aschubel, the Dark Sylph, is not the best LD Nat 4 but you should pick him if you don’t have him. He can be used in sleep teams.
C Tier
Nisha, the Fire Dryad, is not that relevant.
Izaria, the Water Succubus, is not that relevant.
Sophia, the Wind Pierret, is not that relevant and can be used for skill ups.
S Tier
Dongbaek, the Light String Master, is the best choice in this HoH week if you missed her. She’s a great tank against some Siege defenses and can be used for ToA Hell as well.
A Tier
Vereesa, the Dark Blade Dancer, is a strong stripper for Cleave teams and can be a great choice, if you don’t have her.
Iunu, the Wind Anubis, can be used for several Siege offenses and defenses, he’s really strong, deals good damage and can revive.
B Tier
Maruna, the Fire Boomerang Warrior, is good with her Chakram Dancer and can deal good damage like other Twins. In lower Siege she can be used with her Fire sister Shaina as an offense.
C Tier
Luer, the Water Phantom Thief, is not that relevant.
S Tier
Hyanes, the Dark Dryad, is a good dark tank and is really annoying because she can increase the harmful effect but decrease the beneficial effect on your whole team. She’s good in Siege defenses.
B Tier
Fuco, the Wind Lich, is a niche monster and can be picked for skill ups.
C Tier
Carrack, the Fire Pirate Captain, is not that relevant and be picked for skill ups.
Lumirecia, the Water Slyphid, is not that relevant.
Lucas, the Light Neostone Fighter, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Amduat, the Dark Horus, gets attack bar with every turn of the enemy and is therefore a good unit for Arena defense or counterpick in RTA. He’s a great choice.
A Tier
Carbine, the Wind Sniper Mk.I, is a great damage dealer and can be picked in Siege offenses or even RTA as counterpick.
B Tier
Platy, the Fire Mermaid, can be used in some niche teams in Siege offenses.
C Tier
Tanzaite, the Water Gargoyle, is not that relevant.
Hekerson, the Light Poison Master, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Mimirr, the Light Barbaric King, can be used in several Siege offenses and is not a bad choice, if you don’t have him.
A Tier
Songseol, the Water String Master, can be picked in Siege offenses as a counter against …
C Tier
Ludo, the Fire Dice Magician, is not that relevant and can be used for skill ups.
Aquila, the Wind Brownie Magician, is not that relevant and can be used for skill ups.
Belita, the Dark Chakram Dancer, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Bombay, the Dark Hynomeow, is a great nuker and can be used with other sleep monsters like Celia. Good for Siege defenses.
A Tier
Suiki, the Water Onimusha, can be picked as a good damage dealer especially in RTA as counterpick against several Fire monsters. You can fuse him so it would be the best to pick the LD Nat 4s and missing monsters first.
B Tier
Berenice, the Blade Dancer, is good in Cleave teams, she pushes attack bar and also increase attack speed and critical rate.
C Tier
Celine, the Wind Rune Blacksmith, is not that relevant.
Emily, the Light Cannon Girl, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
A Tier
Xiao Lin, the Water Kung Fu Girl, is one of the best F2P monsters for Rift teams because of her great damage and multi-hits.
B Tier
Yen, the Wind Rakshasa, deals good damage and has many turns, can be used as a niche monster and in dimihole dungeon teams.
C Tier
ROBO-P27, the Fire ROBO, is a toy monster and not that relevant.
Tosi, the Light Samurai, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
Dragunov, the Dark Sniper Mk.I, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.
S Tier
Talia, the Water Chakram Dancer, is one of the most important Twins. She deals good damage with her sisters and is essential for Rift teams and can be used in other dungeons team or even Siege offenses.
B Tier
Jasmine, the Light Black Tea Bunny, is not that bad and be used as a niche monster in Arena offenses.
C Tier
Jarrett, the Wind Poison Master, is not that relevant.
Onyx, the Dark Gargoyle, is not that relevant and can be picked for the LD Nat 4 collection.